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Struggling with Latestest Deals Website Points


In morning i had 6200 points and now 5200 and it's not the first time happened with me.

Dont know whats going wrong but there is something , which is not right 😞

over a year ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

Now changed back to 6400.. it's so confusing :o


Yeah I have seen it as well with mine - no idea what is going on i thought i was maybe seeing things - bug in the web front end someone hacking sql injection?


Hey sweetie 🙂

Two things that are good to check:

- Are you perhaps accidentally signed into two different accounts? It's easily done if you access LD on your laptop and phone.

- You may be having points deducted if your posts are removed because they've been shared before. You can check this if you view your point history from your dashboard.

Hope that helps but any questions please just shout.


I get a difference between my points on my phone and on my laptop. My phone is 25 points less. I find that it jumps when I do something on my phone that gives me points to the correct amount. I'm pretty sure that I don't have 2 accounts.


Jaycee5 that's a case of the browser not refreshing. I sometimes see that but no big deal.


Jaycee5 there’s like some kind of system lag, as I experience it all the time. I reported it a while back but it’s not been fixed. I used ios so it may be an iOS thing? There’s about a few hundred point difference between what I have on my phone/pad vs my laptop


hspexy It isn't really a problem for me because I just use the figure from the laptop but I just mentioning that it isn't only happening to sweetie.

I'm a very long way from being able to redeem any more.


Hey Kelsey, I saw this glitch before and it is nothing to do with deduction or signing into a wrong account.

I see this more on my mobile, maybe it is because it is not refreshing in the moment I open the site.


Hey guys, just following up on this:

At the moment, the point balance will only update if you refresh the website or perform an action that gives you points. It isn't a "live" balance so-to-speak.

So, if you use LD on your desktop then return to your mobile (where the LD website is already open in a tab) the two point balances won't match until you either refresh the page or do something that'll earn you points.

I have a plan though to improve this and have added it to my to-do list 🙂

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