Tea or Coffee
Simple question just for giggles.
I am a coffee person
I am guessing you are very young and don't have little kids
Now... that's me in the morning before my coffee
and that's me straight after:
I am definitely a coffee person
That made me laugh out loud! I'm 40 & have kids but Coca cola is my vice! I got to my twenties and had never had one so just thought why start! I've never had hot chocolate or a milkshake either. I'm odd! But I drink litres of coke a day which is terrible but SO nice.
SandyRhodes tea and coffee would both be better for your health and teeth than litres of coke. Did you know it is addictive?
I love a good mug of tea. I am a tea drinker. I will have coffee in out. No sugar and no milk. And I like my tea made with power milk and no sugar. Milk makes me poorly.
I am very much a tea person. I will ery occasionally drink coffee if I am out, but I am not a massive fan of coffee, it has to be really milky for me. Tea all the way.
tea is the best. i have had coffee once but o hated it, i also like hot chocolate especially the cafe Nero ones
I’m on my own on this one ha ha
i noticed there is a twinnings offer through facebook for tea.
i love a milky tea or a strong tea no inbetweeners for me x unless its the tv programme hah ax
Milky tea? Well, I tend to mix some milk with coffee so that can't be too different. Will try it sometime.
definitly prefer tea but partial to a nice milky coffee but have them only as a treat as the calorie count is crazy
I tend to drink tea at home and coffee when I'm out. Unless your going to a specialist tea shop, where they really make an effort, I don't like paying £2+ for a teabag in a mug. Whereas a good barista can make a difference.
Depends on which one you can get as a freebie! I consider this one as really lucky: never paid for a coffee in London for over 6 years! ;) and I'm a coffee addict since I was 14.
Tea all the way for me. Mainly Jasmine green tea. My old boss bought me a lovely box from Fortnum & Mason. Very swish!
Neither. I last had tea over 10 years ago, and I’ve never ever tasted coffee. The smell gets to me. Water all the way for me!!
You gotta taste it. How'd you know if you hate it or love it since you never gave it a chance. lol
But I agree, water's great. Clean water, that is. The tap water here has an awful smell due to the pipes or something so I never use to drink it, unless I boil it up which in this case, it's with coffee.
I’m a tea drinker. I drink green tea the most. I don’t mind coffee but I definitely prefer tea over coffee
I can only handle 1 cup of coffee,it just makes me jitterylove a milky tea,rest is just water or the occasional juice x
Had my last cup of tea in 1988.
I do love a Tassimo Costa cappuccino, but I think I might be a bit caffeine sensitive because it sends me a bit funny every so often
Don’t like either! I have been told that I am strange for not liking hot drinks when everyone is having one at work, gets me out of the drink making I just drink water all day, and now a protein shake and then squash at home and water sometimes.
I have to have coffee first thing and another couple during the morning but always tea in the afternoon.
Was always a tea person! Since working in the operating theatre I am DEFINATELY a coffee person
Tea for me please, nice and strong, 2 sugars a proper cuppa. Cant stand coffee even the smell
I drink coffee first thing in the morning, tea throughout day. Herbal teas in evenings. Out of all them I prefer coffee, I'd drink it more if I could tolerate it.
I'm a coffee drinker now but all my life I've drank tea until 2 years ago carnt stand tea now
Tassimo Costa cappuccino for me.
Haven't had tea since 1988. There is a reason, but I won't go into it.
I love a cup of tea, first thing I want as everyone knows! I do drink coffee but too many gives me headaches.
Both I really couldn't choose between tea and coffee. I have been drinking tea since I was a baby, it always relaxes me.
But I am always grumpy in the morning until I get my coffee stimulation, I would probably be a zombie all day without it
I used to love tea.. but in the last 5 years had to stop having caffeine and decaf tea is just ****!! Whereas decaf coffee is still delicious. So my votes with coffee!!!
I mainly drink tea (without milk or sugar) at home, but will make an occasional coffee. When I'm out and about I mainly drink black triple shot Americanos
When I was growing up I only drunk tea but now I don't like the taste and only drunk coffee. I even love ice coffee.
Coffee, can't live without it.Natural no sugar,no milk. This drink is just doing my morning mood,love how all house smells of just prepared coffee
I hate the smell of english coffee , but i once had a german coffee and it was very nice but ive always preffered tea
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