Teddy Bears
Has any of u still got a teddy from when u was young ... i havent but my kids have n ones 24 n ones 25 n other nearly 28 . Even though 2 of them are boys they kept um in their bedrooms n mum kept them now x my friend got one hes 56
I can understand adults keeping a childhood teddy but cannot understand why adults would still sleep with one as was on daytime tv the other day. I know someone who has a spare room where he keeps shelves full of teddies and he sets a few up to wave at you if you walk in. Never been brave enough myself, something out of a horror film! He is in his 40s and lives with mum.
I colloct teddy bears. My favourite's are tatty teddy with the blue nose and ty bears. I have mini mouse Mickey mouse and pooh bear and tiger which I got in Disney land in usa and they are 37 years old. And I all so go a teddy that is 14 years old. Have a lovely Christmas when it comes.
I’ve got one that my Dad got me one when I was a baby (I’m 33 now). It was a difficult time for him ( divorce) so it’s quite special.
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