Terrible Weather
the weather here is awful really cold and throwing it down with rain x feels that coldi dont wnt to venture oit side to tesco . sure we in iceland it feels like minus 20

couldn't agree with a lovely snuggle; hot tea or coffee... wow! safety for the travelers though.. :O

yes you coukd say that! I’ve just taken mum home OMG it’s thick ice everywher, back home and cosy now thank goodness

I live in the highlands of Scotland on a farm. We got winds will over 90 it's raining hard icey cold. I love living here would not charge it for the world. When get snow we get stuck . My drive is half a mile to the nearsted road. One year we got stuck for 10 days. But we had plenty of food heat logs coal peat. No I love this way of life. Nearest town is a 400 mile round trip.

Wondering how nearest town can be 400 mile round trip when Scotland is 275 miles long and 155 at widest point. Do you mean nearest big city because there must be towns nearer than 200 miles to you if the whole country is only 275 miles long! Do you live on an island off the coast maybe? I would love that in summer but not winter.

Lynibis my nearest town is Inverness. And it's 200 miles there and two miles back making it around trip of 400 miles. I do not go to the city now just to far. You have to be up very early in the morning to make a day of it. And it's a long car trip.

nicolajaynehend omg I knew Scotland was remote but thought there would be something between you and Inverness. I so want to visit Scotland for as you may have read, I am a huge Outlander fan. But the older I get the more unlikely it becomes as I have no travelling companion. But I can lose myself in the books and programmes. Think I may have been Scottish in a previous life lol!

Lynibis sorry ive never heared or seen outlander whats it about and what channel is it on. It's seems good. Or have I missed it and can I by DVD of the 1 st one. .

nicolajaynehend it was originally shown on More4 (or E4?) But for some reason it is now only showing on Amazon Prime, 4th series I think. It is from the books by Diana Gabaldon, 8 so far and 2 more to go. It is about a woman who goes from 1940s to 1740s and meets and marries a highlander (beautiful love story) but she tells him the Scots lose the battle of Culloden etc and he thinks he will die so sends her back to her own time pregnant. She does meet up with him again but won't tell more as it will spoil for you if you get to read or watch. If you have a kindle, well worth buying the first one to try. I spend my amazon vouchers from here on books for kindle, and yes it is on dvd, also available on Amazon.

Lynibis thank you ever so much in taking the time to do this. Now I want to see it and read it. It sounds a lovely story will check out Amazon. I have Amazon prime. Can it be put on your tv. Because I can't watch on my table because it use a lot of data. Once again thank you ever so much will let you know how I am getting on.

nicolajaynehend please do. I am not very good with technology but my son got me a smart tv and put me on his Netflix and granddaughter put me on her Amazon prime. I don't know how it all works but if you have Amazon prime you can watch their programmes (i think) on a smart tv, and with the plug in Amazon smart stick thingy. I rely on my family to set me all up as they are far more tech savvy than me!
PS I would recommend read first then watch as the series do have to be condensed a bit.

nicolajaynehend if you search on chat for ANYONE ELSE AN OUTLANDER FAN, you will find more info about it.

Lynibis thank you ever so much for telling me. I've got old tv at the Monet but saving up for a new one . I would like a smart tv. Then I cold get the stick thing. .I will see about geting the first book first. How may are there. I will keep you up data on how I am going. Once again thank you for your help.

Lynibis thank you for your help i will look out for more info. Because it dos soud very good. Once again thank you for putting me on to it. Cant wait now to start to reading it.

Are you kidding me? When I'm in the swiss alps for skiing it's much colder and you don't see anyone else complaining!

Maybe because they are on holiday skiing in the right clothing, transport and ski lodge. I expect when you are in St Tropez topping up your tan in summer no one complains of the heat either, as they are relaxing, not in a stifling office. I guess you have to spend that 16k per month on something!

I was in NYC a few days ago. I've vowed myself to never complain about how cold London is again because the freezing temps there make England seem like a tropical, warm country!
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