Thames Water Bill Will Increase by £19 a Month on Average
In the News
We’re getting in touch to let you know our prices are going up in April.
On average, our bills for typical water and wastewater customers (without meters) will increase by £19 per month in 2025-26. Remember, your bill change could be higher or lower based on the rateable value of your property.
We’ll send you your bill for the year ahead shortly, but in the meantime, you can find more details about our new charges online.

I know ours Yorkshire water is increasing theirs by 29% this year,
an increase of £135 will probably be more for us, if it goes on the value of property

martinlufc5637 You know the rule of thumb , if there are less people in the house than bedrooms probably cheaper to be on a water meter .

Our water is even higher. Southern Water customers have been told they will see a 47 per cent increase.

London has seen a huge population explosion and the infrastructure was out of date anyway, they have been fixing bits and pieces but just like the UK in general if you increase the population well beyond what the sewage infrastructure was designed to handle it obviously needs upgrading which is hugely expensive. The government has allowed water companies to release sewage into rivers because there isn't the capacity to process all sewage because of our population explosion. This again reflects on the utter madness of such huge levels of immigration which has meant a huge increase in housing costs too. It's not at all complicated to work out but somehow because its not 'PC' the media doesn't clearly point out why we have these problems now and the infrastructure isn't coping.

Essex and Suffolk water is the same going up soon we won't be able to pay our bills if anyone is disabled in your household you can get on the watersure scheme just ring your waterbird you get money off your bill

It's ridiculous that they are putting bills up. Bet the shareholders still get a hefty dividend though

SebK84 we've just changed to our internet to youfibre, alot cheaper and price fixed for 2 years, and so far has been excellent, I'd recommend it if it's available in your area

martinlufc5637 the main issue where I live is that we have Openreach and not cityfibre which is cheaper. I am paying £42/month for 910mbps, which will increase to £45 in April. Cityfibre is very patchy in London, but on the other hand not long ago I paid same amount for 67mbps which was a broad day light robbery.
Just checked youfibre and sadly not available where I live but very tempting at £32 for 900mbps.
Unfortunately, at the moment, there aren’t any immediate plans to bring our network to your location.

It doesn’t seem a lot but when you break it down it’s crazy, almost an extra £250 per year and when you think about it that’s per customer
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