Tomato Growing, Are You This Year? I Am
Most years i give it a go with moderate success. This year I am experimenting a bit. Two dozen I am doing from seeds I dried a while ago but the other 2 dozen I have cut some wizened cherry tomatoes into quarters and planted each one thinking the pulp and skin may help to feed as they grow. I am sure someone will tell me if it's a dumb move
I will add photos if and when they grow.

Every year I ve been growing tomatoes and other vegetables and fruit it all tastes better than what you buy from the shops

My next door neighbour works on a farm… so he does the hard work for me and my girls and we just get to water the plant good luck with your tomatoes! I’m useless with plants, I only have fake ones on my home

Michelle1991 lucky you, it makes all the difference if someone gives you the fledgling plants!

Michelle1991 yeah I can only get lots of different plants to grow well inside the house haha
but because the weather is so cold
they do wilt
faster these days which is a shame as the colours makes the living room look nice!

Not something I’ve ever really done tbh but it’s definitely something I might look in to start doing

KateGriff169 if you eat tomatoes it is well worth doing. Don't buy seeds just take them from a tomato past its best. Grow bag and tomato feed will probably cost little more than a couple of packets of supermarket tomatoes.

Always worth a try (the wizened cherry tomatoes) but if they're from a supermarket chances are they are a variety native to Spain or Morocco and will not do so well in our cooler climate .Should be fine if they were originally grown in England .
I would always suggest doing at least one batch from packeted seeds then you know they will be OK in the English climate . I find the easiest cherries to grow are "tumbling toms" , I just put 2 or 3 plants in a hanging basket and let them do their thing , no staking or side shooting required . I always get a bumper crop that lasts from the middle of June till September with little effort apart from watering and feeding . Often ripen before my greenhouse crop.

intherealworld thank you. Actually I never buy seeds but must admit I have never looked to see where the tomatoes come from that I use. I start them in my conservatory, they get lots of Sun and heat, then put them outside up against the conservatory where they are sheltered.

Jerseydrew I think in the future it may become a necessity for many and I feel for those who have no garden or just a small yard. I am sure you enjoy your produce.

Lynibis though you can use window sills if needs be. You can't grow much on it but you can grow some stuff.

Jerseydrew a selection of fresh herbs would be nice. I have tried before but terrible at looking after plants.

I am definitely growing tomatoes.Always get a spread of blight on the allotment so am growing them at home and indoors.

MelissaLee1 hopefully we will all get a bumper crop this year. I get excited in Spring to make a start in the garden but soon get fed up with it!

I used to grow them every year and I don’t even like tomatoes. My father in law who is 92 grows them every year and gives me plants.

eyeballkerry it is nice to do just for the sake of it and to share bounty with friends and family. I use tomatoes in salads and in cooking quite a bit.
My plumber once refused payment for a small job and took 6 tomato plants as payment, he told me later that his wife was delighted and got a bumper crop, she obviously had green fingers!

I never grow tomatoes but love to grow chilli pepper the hotter the better hope your tomatoes grow well

Imnotcheap I did some type of pepper one year and also courgettes which did very well but I hate them.

Lynibis not a fan of courgette myself and when it comes to peppers I only like the hot chilli pepper

I manged to grow 4 tomatoes on 2 plants throughout summer other year,two got eaten by Snails & I ate the other two!! I might try again this year...

janphoenix51 I put crushed egg shells around my plants as slugs and bugs apparently don't like crawling over them. Need to feed with tomato food and place in sunniest place possible. Good luck this year.

I grow tomatoes every year among other things. We are having chilli con carne today and I am using some tomatoes in it that I froze last year.
I would be very interested to see how your seeds turn out, as I always thought you had to get rid of the 'gel' around the seed first so that it could germinate which is why I don't collect the seeds myself.

tumblespots yes I must admit it was a lazy gamble but there is lots of conflicting advice online. Especially when I tried to grow lemon pips. Some said wash dry and peel, some said just plant and both worked but again I didn't look after them properly.

Lynibis I think you could find conflicting advice about almost anything online. I would love to know how successful your plants are later on. I hope do grow well, please give us an update in the spring.

tumblespots ooh so you successfully grow tomatoes each year? Share a photo! It’s amazing
how everyone can grow so many vegetables
yeah my sister gets rid of the gel like texture around seeds and dry them first and then plant them in pots then out into the garden

kitty88uk I don't take many photo's of them any more but I had new planters last year and took some photo's of them. I grew cabbages in one planter with swede's and onions, leeks & parsnips in the other. Here's a couple of photo's.

tumblespots oh wow that’s so amazing
cannot believe they grew so well! You are a true farmer
in the back garden
of your home
they all look so delicious

kitty88uk That was just two of the five trays of onions that I grew last year. I gave some away and have nearly finished the rest of them! We do like our onions but last year I also grew tomatoes, cucumbers, swede, cabbage (as you can see), beetroot, green beans, leeks & parsnips.

tumblespots wow two or five! Awesome
so many different vegetables
that is so great saves you a lot of money from buying at supermarkets too! Well done

I did plant some the year before last but things happened and I wasn't able to look after them correctly. This year I do plan to plant a lot more veg in my greenhouse, including tomatoes.

No not tried, family does try to grow vegetables but always gets eaten by either slugs, birds and squirrels
too! They did manage to grow a type of Asian winter melon
but it did not get any bigger

Lynibis family grows so yeah did save the pips for next time. Year before last there were two melons growing stupid dad cut the yellow flower on vine and it stopped growing fml so it was a size or two smaller than this one!! My mum got so annoyed! Lol
It’s white melon but when boiled it’s an opaque colour we use in Chinese soup or in a cuisine dish for dinner

Only time I eat tomato is when it's on a pizza lol I plant pototes every year and a strawberrys plants

martinlufc5637 I must admit I think of potato growing every year but never get around to it. Can you grow them in containers in a smallish garden?

Lynibis you can grow them anywhere really, garden, planters , I use planters

martinlufc5637 I may make the effort to grow some this year. I think I read one time you can grow them in a plastic dustbin so will research and find out.

Lynibis yeah they will grow in anything really, I use planters that open at the side so you can see their progress instead of digging them up and looking

I have really got the bug now. Just chopped a red pepper and have gathered the seeds to plant as well.

I enjoyed growing them but were wasted as I don’t eat them and they just kept buying them from the shop. I was livid!

I have grown tomatoes outdoors for years and had great success. This year I was given some plants that were grown from seeds from a tomato. They grew perfectly well like the ones from previous years. Unfortunately once they got a decent size they got blight. If I got a couple of pounds of ripe tomatoes from 6 plants. Always before I bought grafted plants from Thompson and Morgan and got about 40lb of great 5 various varieties of tomatoes 10 plants for £16 inc postage and packaging. Good luck

Try growing cherry tomatoes in hanging baskets. A great space saver.
The only downside is you may need to still buy tomatoes for your salads as you'll be picking and eating them every time you pass them.
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