The Use of Canabis for Medical Reasons ... Agree Disagree and Why ???
if this if it helps an individual then they should be able to get it prescribed but then again canabis has lots of bad points like alot of pain killers it can be addicted ... paranoia.... overeating aka munchies =weightgain- obesity,,,, its a hard descision to make ... but one thing for sure ive heard it helps with seizures and pain which are 2 of the worsed things i suffer from so if it did become legal i ,might give it a go .. x
Yes I 100% agree with medicinal cannabis. I think it should be reviewed with each patient regularly though to check for mental health problems. Atleast if it was on prescription honest people wouldn't have to go to drug dealers. Anything is worth a try and it's been proven to work so I think it's wrong to keep a cure illegal.
if it made a dent in the drug dealing then thats a great reason to bring it in x scum of the earth thats all they are x
Might as well make that legal. The medicine (pills, etc) are drugs too which people can get addicted to.
There are those who don't want it legalized so that they can sell it for more than it's worth.
i totally agree x tbh id be scared as i got bad paranoia with my EUPD so id be scared but with having epilepsy which its supposed to help and pain which i get horific pain with my fibromagali its a risk but if would be worth a try if it was made legal xx
The only reason why it's illegal in the first place is because the government is unable to tax it. The government is sadly more interested in money than saving peoples' lives. I think that for medical purposes, it should be used. xx
And I'm sorry to hear that you have seizures. Must be horrible. xx
bang on ive always said they got a cure for cancer but they wont admit coz of all the money u get off it xx
Haha yeah. If they can't monetize that, they'll arrest those who sell it and then demand X amounts to be released or to be X fine.
One way or another they try to get what they want.
jojowane67 Yup. There are cures and solutions but govts don't really care about it since neither of those are profitable for them.
jojowane67 I used to think like that but now I dont because the amount the treament costs and the drain on the nhs is unbelievable. tho we are all entitled to our own views .so please dont think I
am having a go at you ,
There's a good article on this here:
Did you know the UK is already the world’s largest exporter of medicinal cannabis?
cbd , has been in the press a lot of late . the real stuff from proper source is good I buy from cbd brothes . it is the purest and stronger than Holland n barret . I used it threw my cancer treament .the taste is
discustin. bgut you dont get high no side effects and munchies.ihave never smoked so would not want to smoke canabis
sorry to hear tou had cancer sheena hope ur cancer free ... and i know how hard the treatment is as my hunny had throat cancer n went through hell n back n still is and hes been cancer free 5 n half years not but hes just had to have reconstruction on his lover jaw as the radiotherapy has made the bones in his jaw softed andthis caused his bones crumble ... the op was only last week and hes had a metal plate inserted . this is his new jaw SheenaEllis he had all his teeth till he had cancer too x horrible disease x he had throat cancer xx
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