Weird Food Combos
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Just interested to see what weird and wonderful foods people put together? Im pretty boring with my food but as a comfort i enjoy pizza, carrots and spaghetti

LottieMyya Just been looking where to get Almond Butter and noticed its in Aldi for £1.69, will take a look when next in there as a bit cheaper than Tesco:-

LottieMyya most big supermarkets actually, next to the peanut butter. Nice on toast too, though I prefer peanut butter on toast.

TiaTia lovely, bargain price too. Thank you, ill keep my eyes peeled for that next week x

GrahamT1976 yes lovely...add some tomato sauce too it will be heavenly..or what sauce you prefer

Agreed. Both on a sandwich (preferably baguette) together with some piri piri chicken and Peppadews too... Heaven!

When I first started working I used to have a buttered roll with prawn cocktail skips in it for lunch

LeighReidAtanas just the smell of skips makes me wanna vom . I won't be trying that one x

I hate weird food combos but my dad eats tomato, bacon and peanut butter in a sandwich and my partner does butter on digestive biscuits which I think is equally disgusting but apparently normal

Rice and vinegar is a thing for me.
Many people say putting peanut butter in burgers is delicious but I have never tried it myself.

I don't think I eat anything weird really but when I have crackers they have garlic butter and cheese spread either roasted mushrooms or palms ham or pineapple topped with nando's peri peri sauce

When I was a kid I can remember one time (at my mates birthday party) we ended up eating fish fingers and angel delight. Now day I could eat anything with olives!

I knew there was a topic on this so had to add what I had for tea tonight. Breaded mini chicken fillet with tomato, onion with Marie Rose sauce inside a wrap. I know it's a sauce for for seafood but I make my own stronger version and have it on lots of things!

tara73ziva I had peanut butter in a hot cross bun yesterday and it was surprisingly good.

I saw this the other day on SPAM's Facebook page. A delicious combo of Chocolate and SPAM chopped pork and ham. I've not tried it yet, but never say never!

seasider71 not going to as vegan but good dark chocolate goes with anything,often put in meat stews etc ..

Sarahvwomble I can imagine the bitterness of the chocolate working with the saltiness of the spam.

I watch a lot of food programmes and see a lot of people do bacon ice cream, wouldn’t mind trying that

I picked up two 'Pigs in blankets Lasagnes' in Iceland yesterday. They were 49p each down from £1 each but assume the £1 was also a discounted price as they are or were part of Iceland's luxury brands. I guess a Christmas special. Seems such a weird combination but couldn't resist trying them at the price.

When I was a kid I would eat hot dogs with chopped up pickle onions and brown sauce I think about it now and it makes me feel

I still like cream crackers and grated cheese and cream crackers with jam from my childhood days

Marmite and cream cheese (or cottage cheese) on rice cakes. I love Marmite everything, but this one takes the biscuit! (Or the rice cake )

anasg I am a real marmite fan but it is the only thing my husband will not eat. So I put it on top of a cornetto ice cream and put it back it in the freezer. He ate it and didn’t realise .

Mustard on everything almost:Eggs,cheese,fish,vegetables..more besides.Oh and crisps in mash as well as sandwiches.I drop things in my soup as well.

Don't know how weird this is, my wife thinks it disgusting lol , mash potatoes sandwiches

martinlufc5637 I tried that many years ago when I was a child and must admit that it tops my list of rank combinations, it was certainly not the best texture.

My husband loves peanut butter and marmite sandwiches. I don’t like either let alone together!

I like almost all these mentioned apart from meaty ones....once only had lime marmalade, sunflower seeds and celery in the house to put on a piece of bread,it's was really nice....

Mature cheddar cheese and banana sandwiches but it must be mature cheddar.
Mature cheddar and fruit cake, especially Christmas cake.

I used to love eating a whole load of rank combinations just to get a reaction out out my kids, but I found that a few of them were actually pretty good, the best one was Chicken Tikka Masala and All Butter Shortbread.

I put brown sauce and ketchup on everything. It saves me from having to decide what one to use

Right - in my defence as I was a teenager who’s brain was not fully cooked. My favourite sandwich used to be - peanut butter, cheese, salad cream and beetroot. Absolutely no butter on the bread.
I will still sneak one when i know the house is empty. My kids are already looking for my marbles !
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