When Should You Be Able to Re-Post a Deal?
Hey everyone,
A while ago, members of LD had a discussion about when it's OK to re-post a deal.
- The general consensus was you can re-post a deal after a month
This is because posts on LatestDeals.co.uk get buried with time. So if something's old, it's unlikely to be found. Therefore, there's something to be said about re-posting it.
Also, as LD grows things get buried faster. It goes from Page 1 to Page 6 in just a few days.
Please have a read below of the discussion that took place when making this one month re-posting decision:
I think that it should be alright to post it again after a month. Chances are people that saw it the first time around may have forgotten about it too at that point.
I think if it was previously out of stock and then has since been restocked and the offer still stands, that could be a valid time to post again too, because the previous post may be marked expired.
AgnesFaludi, cocolgooh sunshinemum amyloves, nemosays, sandie12, Sandy, MellonE, EmmaWilson, and everyone else I'd be interested to know what you think too?
Once a month sounds like a good idea. However I have seen deals for the same product posted twice but with a different retailer, so would like that be counted in this?
I think if the deal do not expire we should not re-post them. I think you should make a point system for users to maintain their offers. I just saw one freebie which did not expired in a month...somethings do not expire...
AgnesFaludi How would new users see those deals though as more and more deals are posted ? Unless a user is going to read back through a lot of deals they would never know it is there. At some point the post is buried with nobody seeing it anymore.
i have found coupons which are good for 2 months for example a superdrug one but I think it could work being able to re post it after say 4 weeks or a calendar month because we are getting new people finding the site all the time
Yesterday i posted a2 milk i know agnes messaged to say she had posted it looking was a month ago, but i also got people interested in it yesterday so do think a month is good.
i think 4 weeks because some things that get posted get left behind spending time looking through is time consuming and everybody wants to get the full potential of the site
I think 1 month is not enough. Just, maintaining my deals, vouchers and freebies and lot of them still working. If the offer expire we should get message to share it again, but I would like to keep my old deals and maintain them instead of loosing them, because someone else share them after a month.
Some of my deal never expire, like the free photos per month, the bizzagent one.
I just maintained all of them and changed the prices too and expired what expired....
I understand that if you're investing the time to keep deals up-to-date, it seems silly to make it redundant. Even more so if your deal has more information and is better written than others. There's a qualitative aspect to this too. For example, if I write a long and detailed explanation on how to get a deal, and it's like a Wikipedia page of detail, but at 4 weeks and 1 day someone can replace it with a copy & paste one-liner, it seems silly.
So, with that in mind, what about the idea of being able to refresh such posts? For example, after a month, if your freebie is still working, you've kept it up-to-date, and the information is good, you could request for it to be refreshed?
Technically we can do this. It could never be automatic and would need to be reviewed. Just an idea.
Tom I think being able to refresh them after a month would be a good idea. This way the original poster still gets their post seen and the newer members would be able to see what's been around for longer too.
While this is slightly off topic to when deals can be re-posted, is it possible to be able to implement a way to skip to a certain page? I've not found a quick way to do this yet myself. If you could skip to a certain page (such as making the arrow to go between pages clickable so you can select or input the page number you want to go to), rather than having to go page by page, it might make it easier for people to not post duplicates as they can see more easily if something was shared recently. This might also help to eliminate some deals being missed as people can easily skip to older pages.
I try to delete them after they've expired and I don't tend to report the same deal. I think checking links work on deals before liking might help and letting people know if their deals have expired.
Good idea to be able to refresh that makes everyone happy just wondering can we expire our deals or delete them as ive looked cant find it, Do apologise for asking
Hi Yes if you hover on the 3 vertical dots, that will allow you to edit the deal should you wish and you can also expire your deal.
I always check if a deal was posted before I share a deal.It takes one second with the search button.
So what has been decided on?
Are we still at 2 weeks or are we moving onto 1 month since the last post?
Looks like majority want 1 month, but if you want to refresh your deal you can just ask.
I realise it's not set in stone but just to be clear for me and everyone else, this applies both the Freebie section and the competitions section as well?
What are your thoughts? Are there reasons why it may ought to be different for the various sections?
The only one I was really thinking about was the competitions section. It won't be many but some of the competitions do have expiry dates which are several months away but it if it's reposted it could serve to annoy users who have previously entered into them.
Hopefully it won't happen to much anyway and we'll get there when we get there.
Good thinking, I have updated the guidelines to reflect the 30 day general understanding.
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