One utopia world, I can only dream
Why does racism still exist and how should we abolish it?
Since we are all human, should we open all borders and create a one world state? I would call it UTOPIA.
Also, why do some people say white people are the superior race? Is it due to their discovery or exploration of the world throughout the ages?
In South Africa, there was apartheid, now the tables have turned...
In the USA there was racial people couldn't sit on certain areas on the bus or even visit certain places.
Do you think white people are the ones who are being racist after years of colonization and building empires throughout history? For example, the Spanish empire, British empire, American colonization of the native Americans.
P.S. I am mixed race, not a racist, I just want to have a discussion on this since it's a very interesting and profound topic. Please keep it civil.
Human Rights Act 1998
Article 10
Freedom of expression
1 Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. This Article shall not prevent States from requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema enterprises.
It is a racist topic and would be very hard not to get into deep water by responding. People of all colour contributed to the making of today's world, the Egyptians, Moors, Aztecs etc.
This topic is so broad to explain but only i can say, I hope this racism will be replace with love and peace in our country.
Racism can be part of every culture, race or nationality against any other race, culture or nationality. Very sad when we live in such a diverse world where probably no one alive is of pure blood. Even if you can trace your ancestry back several generations in this country you could be descended from Viking, Norman, Roman etc.
lynnibis probably no one alive is of pure blood
Factually not true, but you did make use of "probably", anyway.
No. No colour, ethnicity, gender, religion (etc, etc) is superior over any other. People are people.
I had never realised that white people had exclusively "discovered the world" I had foolishly assumed that anyone, black, white or any other colour, living on this earth discovered it equally. I personally found it under my feet and assumed everyone discovered it the same way... without any real effort.
Incidentally I was talking to a black friend the other day, he does appear to be actually superior to some members of the white race... he knows the difference between words such as "discovered and explored".
deepcore WRONG! - it's thought that BLACK explorers discovered America long before Columbus.
davidstockport There are some really dark-skinned Indians so saying just vaguely "black" can be misleading in some way. Would be more accurate to refer to them as Africans, as it's what they actually are. Black is a skin color.
Anyway, there's also an article where it says that Europeans were the first to set foot in America, prior to the Native Indians.
unfortunately, if words like 'superior' are used to compare one to/from another, it will quickly be deemed as a racist topic. We are all one race, the human race
We are all part of the human race, it's 2018 there should be no racism. I am mixed race and I appreciate all people.
How does being mixed race prevent a person being racist? There have throughout history been many cases of whites being slaves to other races. Here's some reading
deepcore if it were possible to count numbers of slaves you would find that throughout the history of man there have been slaves of every colour known to man and I seriously believe this topic should now be ended.
At least the subject heading has now changed...but now the post trail doesn’t make much sense!
lynnibis Why should it be ended? We have freedom of speech in the UK and there is no hate speech being expressed here. It's a civil discussion.
Human Rights Act 1998
Article 10
Freedom of expression
1 Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. This Article shall not prevent States from requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema enterprises.
These examples, on the other hand are definitely hate speech:
hspexy the whole original post has been changed, so there must have been a sense of wrongness at how it was expressed.
davidstockport How does being mixed race prevent a person being racist?
Correct. It doesn't.
On YouTube, Twitter, Tumblr, Twitter and so on the mixed-race folks tend to make the most uproar about race. Then again, most of them live in US where they practically talk senselessly about race daily so it's "normal".
Shootings also seem to have normalized in US cause they happen pretty much every day. The shock value has more or less evaporated.
deepcore Uh, yeah. Arrest some Facebook nutjob but allow the daily violence in London to go as is. To be fair, it's easier for the police to arrest someone who poses no harm to them than actual criminals.
"In South Africa, there was apartheid, now the tables have turned..."
Where did I mention that things are good in South Africa?
POC now have more rights and opportunities. There was a documentary aired previously and it shows rich affluent POC and whites living in slums.
All I stated was there apartheid existed and now there isn't.
So yes, the tables have turned.
Crime on the other hand, a total warzone. Yes, I've watched unreported world and the bodyguards for hire.
deepcore In South Africa, there was apartheid, now the tables have turned...
There. You make it seem like it's all good there now.
Things are so bad for Europeans in South Africa that they're left with no choice but to escape to a country where they aren't murdered for their skin color. Non-Westerners (non-Europeans) in Western countries live pretty great lives as they have the chance to make the best of their lives but in other countries/continents? Not so much.
Rockman Forget it, we are not understanding each other. This is becoming a battle of semantics. I never said things were rosy in South Africa. You're misinterpreting my sentence.
"In South Africa, there was apartheid, now the tables have turned..."
POC were persecuted, whites had the upper hand...
If you "turn the tables", you reverse the situation.
POC have the upper hand, whites are persecuted...
If you “turn the tables”, it is generally understood that you have reversed the fortunes in your favor to some capacity.
Mate, I've lived in South Africa for a decade and have family there, no need to remind me how bad things are there these days, I find it offensive and condescending.
deepcore Just cut it out with the "POC", it's not helping your case and because of that Tumblrette term, I'm not going to continue this discussion.
It's for the best. This is something worthwhile discussing but some people get easily offended and call everything "racist" so might as well not have these conversations, anyway.
It shouldn't have been but it seems OK for a mixed race person to make scathing remarks about those who are not. I know one mixed race person (or who claims to be) who is a complete waste of space. Fortunately I know many more who are not. I also have a very good black friend who practices Voodoo - I've already got him working on one racist bigot - he usually goes for the left knee or leg first. People he deals with become hopping mad,
In the utopia that the OP imagines, it kind of already exists and it's turning out like this.
A borderless world would be a terrible idea because you'd be opening the doors of your home to complete strangers and they would do as they please, regardless if they're actually genuinely good people or not.
The UK is exiting the EU exactly because they don't want to become one of these countries, though crime in London has already gotten out of hand but hopefully they'll get it controlled.. eventually.
I get it, he has good intentions but it's not actually realistic. European countries had borders before the EU existed and now they don't because most of them are in the EU and if anyone commits a crime and decides to roam to another country, then he (or they) can. Especially via the EU Roads.
Honestly, I like the way you think.
We need more people like you to be a great politician for this wonderful nation.
Please consider running for any position in the cabinet and do us proud.
Kind regards
On a similar note, let's all agree to be pandas, they are black, white and Asian and everybody loves them
Don't generalise - there are plenty of Asian paedophiles in this country who commit horrible crimes (Rochdale is over run with them) that doesn't mean all Asians or mixed race Asians are paedophiles. Same goes for the English abroad.
(seems strange you had to dig a topic out from three months ago)
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