Why Are People Marking Things as Expired When They're Not?
Just had a couple of my posts marked as expired. I've checked them and they've not !

Hey CherylParry
I believe this can happen for a few reasons!
The most basic is that someone's just made a mistake and wrongly marked the post as expired. This might be because they misunderstood the stock status or perhaps they just wanted to see what the "Mark as expired" button did!
Sometimes things will go out of stock and/or change in price. They'll get reported as expired but by the time you see the notification it's back in stock or back to the original price (this is especially true at Amazon where prices change all the time!)
I appreciate it can be a bit annoying but if you check and it's not expired feel free to just ignore that notification

Hey CherylParry, if your post has been made expired and you see that it's not, you can always change it back. Press the three dots next to the post > Edit > and tick the expired box to unexpire it. Hit save, you're done!

Yes I have seen this too. Some listings I have placed have been expired as it had been originally placed a month or longer ago. I think we have a rule where it allows re-listing if they are older than a month. Lots of people do not search back through the site so sometimes if a competition has a long closing date it can be useful to report. I also get some of my listings expired as they are dupes which is absolutely correct.
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