What You Will Do When Ur Neighbor Smoke Cannabis?
We always smells cannabis, as our neighbor is smoking sometimes in their garden so annoying .
Snap! It's awful and makes me feel sick. I live in a bungalow and my bedroom is on the back, the lads sit in an old car till sometimes 3-4am smoking. I love to sleep with my window open and can't due to the rancid smell.
Cannabis is currently illegal in Britain but calling the cops on your neighbors wouldn't be a good idea either.
Well, close your windows and that's that.
So crims get away with their wrongdoing and innocents have to suffer in silence for fear of repercussions. Maybe if more people reported crime anonymously the wrongdoers might think twice.
lynnibis You call the cops on them, then they'll find a way to get revenge. Not much of a win either way.
Rockman i agree but if there are many neighbours how would they know who made the call. There is a saying: All it takes for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing.
lynnibis: 'the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing', is the correct quote. Attributed to Edmund Burke.
Yeah we always feeled annoyed they are seems nice to us but thats the only i can comment about them
They do not do a thing. If u call them that drug dealing is going on they will turn up after an hour...do u think the dealers do not know that?
They do nothing about cannabis!
I am very lucky were I live. I live on a farm and my neighbours are half mile from me .I feel so sorry for you. It can't be nice for you and your family. And you can't say any thing because that would start a war with your neighbour hope you do get it sorted out. 🐿🐿.
Where I live there's usually seagulls in the rear part of the building and they are so noisy yet, I still like seeing and hearing them. There was a one time I thought a monkey was out somewhere but it was just a seagull doing that annoying sound.
Yes indeed .. what i always do i dont let my kids go out in the garden if i smell not nice
Well here's some advice...https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/3444555/smoke-weed-cannabis-legal-uk-law-neighbours/
Good luck and all the best with this situation dear
Use your noodle- draft a letter and stick it through their door - anonymously - just say you know they are smoking cannabis and growing it and will report them to the police - cannabis smokers are constantly paranoid and usually scared stiff when they are smoking it so it will not take much to scare them!
Good idea but you would have to be very careful they do not spot you posting it or have cctv.
lynnibis Wear a false beard and disguise lol
I can highly recommend this - I have worn it many times to disguise myself!
Lydskyd i know mt neighbor had camera as once i brought one parcel for them.. so need to be careful.
alenaleigh0312 Post it using a stamp then - seemples!
Or become a Jedi and wear a fully body and face cloak ala Obi wAN!
I'd go around there and ask them if I can have some. I can't wait for cannabis to be legal as I have fibromylgia and I'm looking forward to it to help with pain.
Same here! I have chronic pain and would kill to be able to get medical cannabis as it works and the horrible opiates I am on are dreadful
Why so anti cannabis? my neighbours have broken several of my fences, I'd had to speak to police about noise, the local council, the RSPCA over the treatment of their dogs etc, so if all I had to worry about was weed smoking I'd be happy.
It turns you into a moron, incapable of work or motivation.
Good for artistic purposes and creativity but invevitably people over- indulge and become psychologically addicted - it also makes OCD worse and can bring on latent schizophrenia.
These are my boyfriends words - he smoked it since he was in his twenties and only gave it up 3 years ago - he grew it , smoked it and travelled all over the world to smoke it but now he says it causes a lot of problems - if you smoke it for instance while you are studying at Uni or School you will ruin your chances - His best friend has smoked it since he was 18 and he was the smartest guy in school but after he started smoking it he left school with no qualifications , smokes it every day now beginning with his first smoke when he gets up at 12-1pm in the day, has never had a proper job and makes so many excuses about being late and forgetting things and says it has nothing to do with cannabis - unfortunately people who smoke cannabis are usually in denial and will say anythingt o justify smoking it.
For medical purposes and people with glaucoma, pain, aids etc its very good but as a recreational herb (my boyfriend does not like to call it a drug) it can destroy your life and turn you into a brain dead waster - His words not mine but i agree as i hated it when he smoked it!
I would say from my experience that it turns you into a completely different person!
I would agree though ShellyAnn it does seem like you have a lot more to worry about.
The smell is pungent but there are far worse thing to worry about in life and you sound like you have the neighbours from hell - I can empathise we have the opposite problem - neighbours who complain about everything from our shoes outside our flat door to not parking our cars straight enough. Old folks at the end of their lives with nothing better to do during the day than nosey about and find things to moan about - they can make life pure hell!
Lydskyd yes you are right, it cannot give good benefit at all may be little if you have medical problems. But if you are normal and using it, you are just damaging your life and your future.
It's likely to be legalized at some point in the future. The large amount of money that could be made in taxation will probably be the decisive factor.
I don't smoke anything myself, but I do actually like the smell of cannabis. I don't think it's any worse than tobacco or alcohol. In fact, I'd much rather sit next to someone who's stoned rather than sit next to a drunk.
But if you don't like it, I guess you could have a chat with your neighbours about it and come to some sort of a compromise with them.
It doesn't bother me what they do in their own house what ****** me off they smoke it in the back garden for everyone to smell yes i understand its their garden but still dont need the whole street smelling off it.
Wow Chelsea, you are certainly going through the archives. It is a good idea because so many people post topics and they move on so quickly that not everyone gets to read or comment. Plus lots of new people joining LD.
Lynibis Haha lol I try search topics before starting a second chat kn the same topics
I have had this problem with both neighbours in my terraced row, plus a new weed smoking neighbour who just replaced a previous weed smoking neighbour the police won’t do anything, not worth wasting your time! Even though it’s illegal currently, it’s not enforced at all anymore. If they are growing it or selling it, they will likely do something but otherwise they don’t care. In my area, i’d say at least 50% of the people here smoke it and no one cares.
Close the window if you don't like smell and don't want it coming into your house. If you are outside then just tell them to smoke up street out of way of peoples gardens.
My neighbour does. Doesn't bother me at all. Smell is no more offensive than cigarette smoke
Imnotcheap I don't like stale cigarette smoke but even when I as a kid I loved the smell of old pipe tobacco and **** like citanes and camels.Cannabis wreaks though..it's sweet and sickly.
Man downstairs from me smokes skunk on his balcony at least twice a day.It stinks to high heaven and makes me heady.Hate the smell of cannabis..so sweet and sickly.
I absolutely love the smell of good quality weed, I'd rather smell that than any cigarette smoke any day and the taste isn't to shabby either.
I would make a fire with car tyres on it and let them breathe in the smoke on a regular basis.
It’s been decriminalised in the UK although you can’t just smoke it where you want. It obviously affects you so maybe try having a conversation with your neighbour and explain your concerns. They most likely don’t know how you feel about it. My brother smoked it for most of his teens and well into his 20’s (he’s 50 now). The long term use done all sorts to his brain(paranoia etc) I myself have no issues. I have a few friends who smoke it and tbh most of the time when they have smoked some they do the best work in the world. Not everyone who smokes it is an idiot. Yet most people turn into complete idiots when drinking alcohol. I would rather live next door to a stoner than a drinker. I hope you get the issue sorted out I think the police should be the last option. Unless you can prove they are dealers and grow their own then most likely the police won’t do anything
I smoked it for years in my garden and gave up. My neighbours smoke it and I love the smell so doesn't bother me. Lol
I'd rather live near someone who smoked rather than drank alcohol. Of course, it can cause issues for some as with any drug. However with alcohol legal, while it devastates lives daily I find it ridiculous that weed is illegal when it has a huge range of medical benefits.
I don’t know how anyone can be against it or complain about it with alcohol legal and the damage alcohol does to millions.
My entire street must smoke cannabis as its all you can smell in my area. My next door neighbour must be growing it in his lift as the smell in my loft and upstairs in my house is disgusting.
Absolute gold mine through taxing it if they legalised it. Could go straight into the nhs.
SilverSurfer The same NHS that spent tons of money on stupid, worthless, useless job roles:
And they actually recommend vaping...
If a person is determined to stop smoking, the answer isn't to suggest them to vaping, NHS.
NHS is bound to collapse if they don't reform.
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