This is the 'World's Healthiest Meal', According to Science, is It for You ?
When i first read the title of the article i thought the worlds healthiest meal would be something vile, normally what is good for you doesn't taste that nice
But i do quite like salmon and olive oil, although i dislike olives , it is getting expensive though , so not a bad starter
I could also eat the worlds healthiest main course, chicken and lentil casserole , i like both and this is relatively cheap to make
The dessert, yoghurt pudding topped with walnuts is also easy on the palate, i love nuts and yoghurt
So all in all it is a surprise for me , i could stay healthy eating these
What about you , could you eat these meals to stay healthy or do you have your own suggestions ?

Nope wouldn't eat it. Don't eat chicken and hate nuts with yoghurt. Hate the texture of yoghurt with fruit or nuts

Jerseydrew Do you have an alternative J that you consider healthy and could eat regularly ?

telmel I eat chicken substitute so would eat that. We do eat lentils in my house. I like lentils to be honest

My son would probably have but I’m not big on fish myself, my son loves fish especially mackerel

Not the biggest fan of salmon and as you say it's not cheap. I think I will probably try to eat more of the casserole and yogurt dessert though.

I'm doing ok then as our diet is either salmon (bought on offer or yellow sticker and froze) and chicken for main and yoghurt, nuts or fruit for snacking/dessert.

My partner, daughter & I love Salmon,daughter isn't keen on Olive's though so YES we woukd eat this..
Our daughter likes to make sure we all eat healthy & prepares a hearty Chicken Casserole with pulses & loads of veg.
i also make a lovely Casserole using either Beef,Chicken or Sausages & loads of Veg,few herbs & spices & our very own Sheffield Sauce ,Henderson's Relish which goes down well in cold wintery weather so YES we would eat this
Yes we all like Yoghurt & Nuts,eat Greek Yoghurt with Fresh Fruit & Nuts,I drink Kefir Yoghurt ,my partner & daughter Actimal & YES we woukd eat this...

telmel ...Yes well I'm 60 in May,partner is 64 in August & daughter is 27 in September, we all know as well as the sweet treats we like to eat we need to eat healthy too & keep fit..

telmel ....Partner, daughter & I love Chocolate & are currently eating our way through a bag of Tiny Toblerones,we have one or two a day along with other treats.

It doesn't look like the best of dishes to me but I'd be more than happy to give it a bash.

I already eat this type of food but without the chicken.I eat some fish but basically stick to veg,fruit and nuts.

We’re lucky that we can have access to multiple cuisines. I’ve visited countries where the diets are quite limited, but they do seem relatively healthy (one of which only ate seafood with limited access to fruit and veg, yet the elderly seemed the thrive)

Since my 'new year, new me' I have been adding lentils to my chicken stews, chilli and curry. They are not only good for you but can thicken without needing flour to do so. You can also buy canned green lentils cheaply and no fuss to use.

I like salmon especially with sushi or covered with a chilli sauce does that still count?! I also enjoy chicken and we do eat a lot of it in different way but never had lentils.

I couldn’t afford to eat like that. The price of most of those foods have increased. Salmon is certainly a luxury and walnuts are for Christmas time !

suevernon1968 lentils are dead cheap, pearl barley and chick peas too, all beans are good for you and a stew pack is sold in most supermarkets for just over £1. Chicken is not that expensive so any of all of this makes a hearty stew, curry or casserole. Can even add lentils to shepherd's pie or chilli and no one would notice. Even lasagne. I am really sad that so many people don't consider healthy eating to be important. It can stop so many illnesses in their tracks.

Lynibis i love the tins of mixed beans and they go in every salad. I admit I really don’t like olives. I love salmon but it is expensive - I’m fussy with fish as finding just one bone will put me off. Good olive oil is another item that has gone up a lot in price. I’m also on my own so the enjoyment of cooking and seeing people appreciate the food has gone. Being on cancer treatment also has messed up my taste buds big time. I go through fads of a food i love and foods I dislike. At the moment I adore shredded beef - with anything - or sadly just on its own - this is an expensive fad to have.
I do think tho that the main thing for me is that I’m only cooking for me. Ive tried ‘batch’ cooking - but my fads can last from a few days to a few months. One meal at a time is all I can do.

suevernon1968 I am same, just me. I love any shredded meat, do you mean like pulled pork etc. I buy the Chinese pancakes but don't use the sweet sauces anymore as they are far too sweet. I do cool from time to time and tend to do chillies, curry, etc in big quantities and freeze in single portions. Yesterday I made curry and today I have made 10 cheeseburgers with fresh mince and frozen them layered in greaseproof paper. I have time but I guess your illness is really debilitating. I hope you have loved ones to look after you and maybe cook you a healthy meal. A good gut with plenty of good bugs is very helpful.

These are the things I have been eating since the 'new year new me' topic. Red or green Lentils, blueberries, chicken for protein, fruit, veg, Greek yoghurt, chick peas, spinach, mixed seeds, hazel, walnut, brazils, olive oil, salmon. All of these we should eat regularly and pickles are especially good for your gut bugs. I have felt so much better eating these foods, unexplained pains gone, lost weight but not hungry and just generally better.
My son and I also drink the white tea you told about.
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