What is the Worst Thing You Have Ever Bought
I bought a mini camera only to find it was very limited when I received it should have sent it back really
Less than six months ago I bought an ASUS laptop to replace My Toshiba. I wondered why the price seemed low -but trying to use it I found out why. There's not even a caps lock indicator on the keyboard not very good if you're trying to type in a password when the the letters don't show (I've overcome that with a downloaded screen indicator)
I'd intended keeping the Toshiba in case anything went wrong with the ASUS - I've now decided to do it the other way round.
Tickets to see Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi, really didn't like this on many levels.
oh well we all do it. looks like a great bargain at the time and then you put it in the cupboard and forget about it
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