Bearface Canadian Whisky 700ml
Bearface Canadian Whisky 700ml is currently on offer at Tesco, providing a unique opportunity for whisky enthusiasts to enjoy a premium spirit at a discounted price. This Canadian whisky, known for its distinctive flavour profile, is regularly priced at £36. However, with a Clubcard price of £26, customers can save £10 on their purchase.
Available exclusively to Clubcard holders or those using the Tesco app, this offer extends until the 1st of January, 2025. To take advantage of this discount:
- Ensure you have a Tesco Clubcard or the Tesco app.
- Shop at Tesco or online through Tesco Groceries.
Bearface Canadian Whisky, presented in a 700ml bottle, brings its crafted excellence straight to your glass, promising a noteworthy tasting experience. This limited-time offer is an excellent chance for whisky fans to enjoy quality savings on a sophisticated Canadian spirit. Make sure to take advantage of this special deal before it ends!
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- Minimum order value is £25 for free click and collect, otherwise there is a £4 fee.
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