Co-op Food Membership - Join Now For Exclusive Member Offers & Prices!
Latest Deals has partnered with Co-op Food to show you this great offer!
Join Co-op Food membership today to unlock exclusive member offers and prices both online and in store. You can use it straight away and it costs just £1 to join and you get £1 off your first shop. When you spend money at Co-op Food, you also help your local community through their projects and you choose what local projects you want to support. You will also get personalised offers every week with 2 to choose from, access to presale concert tickets and get member only prices on meal deals and other products. There are also regular offers on free or discounted delivery and chances to win with member games on the app. So you have nothing to loose and everything to gain! Just scan your app or card at the till to start saving.
Plus, there are fun members games where you can win prizes and money off your shop via the app as well!
There are 3 simple ways to join Co-op Food
1 - Download The App
2 - Join Online >> HERE
3 - Join In Store - Find Your Nearest Store >> HERE
You can now access presale concert tickets for Co-op Live. Once you've signed up as a member and downloaded the app, you can sign up for Co-op Live notifications so you don't miss any announcements. You'll also need a Ticketmaster account to purchase presale tickets, so you can sign up >> HERE if you haven't got one. Then you can check the Co-op app right before the presale starts, ready to take your place in the queue.
They have lots of member exclusive prices and offers - lots of foods and drink including meal deals
Get Steak & Chips For £4 Members / £5 Non-Members Instead Of £8.85
Get Freezer Favourites Meal For £5 Members / £6 Non-Members Instead Of £11.60
Do you have a Co-op Membership card? It gives you 2% cashback on most of your Co-op purchases. It costs £1, and you also get personalised offers via the Co-op app.
Anyone who is not a co-op member I recommend you joining, you'll get your £1.00 back and more after your 1st shop.
I will join in co op membership. Will utilize the offers. Lovely deal posted by you
This really is a no lose offer, as you get your £1.00 back + more, I'd recommend to anyone, thanks for posting.
Strange question but does the blue co-op take the white card with the orange on and vice versa? The offers never seem to come off properly when I use my blue card at the "other" coop.
Wow its a great deal from co op they do give some great quality things thanks for sharing this
Good prices are often available in the discounted section, but it's a matter of timing it right, and once a week you get a choice to choose two additional money off coupons on your preferred items, and these can be used on any knock down priced items too. If you are really lucky, you can come away with a nice little bargain or two.
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