El Dorado 12 Year Rum 700ml
El Dorado 12 Year Old Rum is available in a 700 ml bottle for £33, reduced from £42. This rich amber rum is a blend of spirits from three iconic stills: the wooden Enmore two-column, the French Savalle four-column, and the unique Port Mourant double wooden pot still. Known for its:
- Rested for 12 Years: The rum matures in oak barrels for over a decade, producing a rich and diverse spirit.
- Artfully Blended: Time and the Demerara climate help create a spirit with unparalleled depth, using original wooden heritage stills.
- Rich and Diverse: This complex rum has been crafted on the banks of Demerara, capturing over 300 years of Caribbean rum expertise.
Tasting notes reveal a super attractive nose with aromas of sugar, honey, banana, toffee, raisin, and sultanas. The palate is full-bodied with lush tropical fruit and spices, concluding with an elegant and dry finish. El Dorado is dedicated to environmental sustainability, using a bio-methane plant to power their distillery efficiently. For further details, contact Cask Liquid Marketing in London.
️ 4.7 / 5 based on 2,848 reviews
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