Fairy Outdoorable Fabric Conditioner 70 Washes.
Fairy believe that the most delicate skin deserves the best and that's why Fairy Outdoorable Fabric Conditioner is hypoallergenic and dermatologically tested, wrapping your family’s delicate skin in huggable softness.
Enjoy freshness as if you’ve dried your clothes outside, even when you dry inside! Fairy Outdoorable was developed together with consumers to recreate the outdoor freshness and it keeps releasing freshness when fabrics are just dried, stored in the cupboard and even when you’re moving.
Thanks to its innovative technology, you just need a small dose to get that line dried feeling, whatever the weather! Fairy Outdoorable with it's rich creamy peachy notes with floral touches, with a crisp, pure odor of fabrics dried outside in the sun –a perfect reassurance of Fairy of care and clean for your clothes!
Size: 70 Washes

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