A Grand Adventure – Dragon’s Dogma 2 begins in a subterranean jail, where the Dragon’s voice echoes in the fog of lost memories. With their heart taken by the Dragon, the Arisen is set on a path to slay that symbol of the world’s destruction as it soars through the sky on massive wings, breathing flames that scorch everything in its path. With the Arisen’s future veiled in mystery, what challenges and triumphs await on the path to their destiny?
Single-Player Cooperation – Up to three mysterious otherworldly beings, known as Pawns, accompany the Arisen throughout their journey. Pawns create the feeling of a cooperative gameplay experience by offering unique characteristics, skills, and knowledge gained from their experiences with other Arisen.
Made with RE ENGINE – Capcom’s advanced RE ENGINE produces vividly detailed, high fidelity graphics combined with immersive physics and complex and reactive character AI to create a setting where decisions, and their consequences, come to life.
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