Try the irresistible taste of Felix for free.
Simply fill in your details and we will deliver your FELIX As Good As It Looks Chicken in Jelly sample directly to your door.
Note: This product is not suitable for kittens.
It seems this only works on desktop not mobile phone.

TobyWheddon hmm that's odd, it worked for me. I did have to scroll down but the form to fill in was definitely there (I've just clicked again to double check). Perhaps try a different browser?

jms19 lots of people saying same today perhaps the page has crashed or filled up

TobyWheddon i accessed on a desktop but I’ve just tried on my phone and it is blank so seems it’s an issue when trying from phone.

Thanks for letting us know about this free sample, let's just hope that little Miss fussypants Grace will like this.

Thankyou for sharing a freebie with us,ive just ordered a sample for my cat to try,hopefully she enjoy's it

Thanks for sharing, I’ve order my cat a sample which was approved. Normally eats Felix so happy days .

Great freebie! I've ordered mine (for my Cats not me)! Hopefully there will be some money off coupons with them too.

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