The This Works Panel is our dedicated testing system, in place since This Works began, to ensure that our products deliver on their promise, every time. We’re passionate about our panel. It is a rotating group of over 750 real people with real lives (rather than bods in lab coats) from across the UK, working with us to ensure that our products really do work.
If a product doesn’t hit the mark, then we will fine - tune it (and it will keep coming back) until our panel decides that it does. The This Works panel was first created by our founder, Kathy Phillips, to make sure women felt as she did about her new range. Their unanimous response ‘This Works’ is how the brand got its name.
Each Panel runs from seven to 28 days (the length determined by the type of product under review). Each tester receives their product sample, information and instruction on correct usage. They are then asked to report on the product’s performance through a series of simple questionnaires. Upon successful completion of a full set of panel questionnaires, our valued panelists receive an exclusive reward as a thank you for their participation.

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Chief Bargain Hunter