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How Long Did It Take You before You Saw Results from a Diet?

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Please do share, I have started a Keto diet and I just wanted to know how long did it take before anyone started seeing results from a diet they stuck to?

a year ago
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dont think I have ever managed to really stick to one that really worked. Im now a diabetic so the diet changes I am having to make should make a difference to me at least but it wont be down to a specific diet plan as I have never found one worth sticking too. just cut back on fatty / high sugar foods does it for me


didbygraham Totally agree with you on cutting back on the ’bad foods’, also cut down on portion size. Never say ‘ I’m not going to eat chocolate again’ or whatever your ‘bad food’ favourite is as you will crave it more. Just eat a small amount to stop the craving. I find I eat less when I am out the house as well.


didbygraham I think that's always the best thing to do. Make a lifestyle chnage and so it doesn't feel like much of a diet I guess.


eyeballkerry this is what I have been trying to do. In terms of dark chcolate etc in the keto. As much is its hih protine and fat I am still trying to control the portions


I did do the slim fast diet a few years ago and it did work. But I think it was mainly due to doing more exercise than what I was eating. I know it took a few weeks to eventually notice any difference.


eyeballkerry I think it really is a balance of both, I need to do more than walks. Maybe some intense cardio or weights 🤔


It will be other people who will notice before you. My advice would be stay off the scales, it is disheartening to see no change but if you use them every couple of weeks you will do.

When I tipped over into diabetic 2 I lost 2 stone and have now lost another. This has been over a period of 3 years or so but am pleased that I have kept it off.


Lynibis thank you for the advice and in hindsight this is one of the main reasons I have given up in the past as the scales shoss no movement in weight! Going to stay off the scales from now onward!

Also congratulations, you have done amazing and the fact you have managed to keep is off is the most inspiring part!


Hana12 thank you. I started by cutting out sugar, although you need a little which, like salt, is found in most foods to give you enough. I cut out all the usual like biscuits, cake sweets etc but allowed myself a Sunday treat. I also reduced slightly the amount on my plate and ate more slowly but did not go on diets I knew I could not maintain.

Recently I spent two weeks eating only an evening meal but fasted during the day. I got hungry about 11ish but then the pangs went away and I was fine rest of day. I am going to do it again after this weekend as I felt so alert and energetic whilst doing it.


Years ago I actually did loose quite a bit of weight by going to slimming world but have put it all back on and probably more besides. I’m not the best person to give advice but I do wish you well.


reannsgran this is the one thing I am scared of. Especially with the quick weight loss diets. I really hope this keto will be good as the sugar reduction I think its what need due to it being my weakness 😩


When I started my diet to lose weight I didn't do a special diet. I just cut out the bad foods, cut down my portions and exercised more. It was 3 months before I noticed the difference for myself, but friends and family saw a difference after 4-6 weeks. I lost over 3 stone in a year by sticking to it.


MrsCraig oh wow! That's alot of weight loss considering you did it all on your own and not followed any particular plan! I do think it's probably the same for me, deep down I know I need to cut out the bad food and I will be guaranteed results. Thanks for sharing!


Hana12 I put on a lot of weight during pregnancy and when our son was ill. I decided last year that it was finally time to do something about it. I went from a size 16, to an 8-10. I feel so much better as I feel healthier.

It is hard going. My husband is currently on a diet, doing the same as I did. He is losing weight and really pleased he is doing it. Don't get me wrong, there were days when I ate pizza or crisps but I compensated for it. I found it was all about determination and willpower.


MrsCraig I can understand, pregnancy can play a huge role in weight gain for many!

This is excatly what I want 😔 to go down from my current 16 to a 10-8 which I was prior to the pandemic. Its nice to know you feel healthier because I know this is one thing I do not feel currently!

Your husband is very lucky you are there to support him seeing as you have had to go through the same stuggles as him.

This time I am so determined, I don't want to give up! Family wedding in Feb next year and I want to look my 👌


Hana12 before I had my son I was a size 8-10 and wanted to be back there again so I was able to run after my son and play with him.

My husband has said that my support definitely helps to keep him motivated.

I'm sure you will reach your goal of losing weight for the family wedding and will look fantastic


I found I started to notice the difference a couple of months in, and am now a little over half the size I once was!

When losing weight I took it really slowly and steadily rather than trying to lose loads really quickly. I found that counting calories helped me a lot - not because I try to stick to a specific number of calories, but because it made me realise just how high some things I was eating really were - especially the unexpected things.

Ketchup is a great example - the one I was eating was over 100 calories a portion! I had no idea I was adding that much by adding a small spoonful of ketchup to my meal. By switching brand I now have one that’s just 18 calories, and I honestly prefer the taste anyway. I can still have ketchup when I have chips but I’ve cut out 82 calories each time. Similarly, I’m allergic to cow’s milk so have to drink plant based instead. The calorie difference between them can be astonishing and they really don’t taste much different to each other, so I buy the lighter ones. It’s such a simple change, and I can still have everything I want, but those sorts of things made a huge difference for me.


cocolgooh wow this is amazing, it goes to show if you really stick to something and don't punish yourself by starving the habits can last. Its great that you found ways of still enjoying the foods you love by switching it up and making small changes. This is 100% a tip I will be taking. Might I ask which ketchup you now use because I am scared to look at the calories my current one has! 😅


Hana12 I guess it’s now 15 calories a spoonful - even better! 😂 But this is the one I’m using now: www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/products/305831840 It’s also available in a smaller bottle for about 70p but it’s out of stock online right now, so I linked to the bigger one! It looks like more of the ketchups are a similar number of calories now so it may be the sugar tax they’re bringing in has had an effect on them, but it was definitely a shock when I saw how high it was at the time!

It’s definitely the little things that made a difference for me overall though so I’d recommend checking what some of the smaller things you eat actually are. Anything little that you add to things like ketchup, mayonnaise, even butter or margarine can be a lot higher depending on the brand. Even the brand of bread you buy - some are over 200 calories a slice, others are around 70! Of course taste comes into it too, but if you like the lower calorie option it’s such an easy way to make a difference and it really worked for me.

Good luck with your diet, I hope it works well for you!


cocolgooh thank you so much for sharing! I will be popping in store tomorrow straight after work! At that price, the savings are also worth it with how expensive things are these days! I agree the sugar tax must be a huge factor.

I have already taken a note of the current calories of my condiments fave staples like bread and cheese and I will be comparing when I go in store tomorrow 😅.

I am glad I asked you all for advice as I feel much more motivated after hearing everyone success stories! And well as those who have shared methods that haven't worked


Hana12 No problem! I hope you’re able to find some alternatives that’ll work well for you. If you can, it’s such a simple change that makes it so much easier to stick to in my opinion!


I'm useless at diets, I always fail, start off with good intentions but by the end of the week I always stray back into my old ways.


Mango4 this is me 🤣. I really do hope I stick to it this time because I feel like I need to make a chnage well before Christmas 🎄 😅


I think we should love our bodies the way they are be who you are xx I hope I made someone feel good about themselves


iloveproducts I think we live in a society where we are often being judged. It's hard! But I agree that we should love our bodies the way they are. We shouldn't change for someone else but for our own.


iloveproducts thank you for this! 100% everyone should love thier bodies as they are and enjoy it in the moment! This is why I love the tips on switching things up so you can still enjoy your food and naturally lose weight 😃


Justshopping This is it! Many people do want to change because of what other people say and not actually consider what they want and if they are happy in thier own body!


Hana12 I think it all comes down to being self confidence in yourself. We try too hard to impress others that we forget about our own hapiness.


Justshopping couldn't have worded it better!


Hana12 Thank you! I really appreciate it


Many Years ago my diet consist of eating less sugary and fried food and walking 30 minutes per day from work. I ended up with a flat stomach and 2 stones lighter.


jam45 wow amazing, I have started adding come cardio by going for runs. It's good to know just taking the time do go for walks daily can make an difference


Hana12 my exercise was walking. I put my son in his pram and we would go for a long walk each day. Now I walk him to and from school each day and it keeps the weight off.

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