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What's Your Thoughts Transgender Woman on Female Wards

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Ok now I don't have a issue with any transgender at all but I think it's right it should be banned and I agree with this story as most know woman go through alot and I don't feel it's right it's getting taken away from us


7 months ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

I am uncomfortable in those situations with other women, let alone transgenders and men. I am not repressed or ashamed of my body but it is mine and I have no wish to show to anyone other than a partner or medic when necessary😳


Lynibis exactly fact is only woman that's goes through what we have too it's bad enough that at some point I have to share that will my other half I don't want anyone else to see or know that


World has gone mad and backwards, women are losing their identity, my daughter has just had a baby, the word breastfeeding has been changed by the NHS to chest feeder, when I asked the midwife what that is about, she said the words breast feeding discriminates against men who can have babies What!!! (I'm guessing transgender men who are actually women) 🤐


martinlufc5637 yeah that won't is it they said it to me when I had my baby the midwife was told if they want to talk about it that's fine if they use the correct wording if not I'm not interested I think it's a blessing to have a child and there not taking that away from me I see a video the other day about a transgender woman and she was going on that woman don't own periods I was like ??? If I don't own mine I'd happily give them away but that very unlikely to happen so they need to mind there there own business


Leannexxx wjen she came out and asked who the birthing partner was, we all went quite and confused, what's that I asked, she said quietly "were not allowed allowed to say babies dad"


martinlufc5637 hell no it's not right at all , it's a joke I understand they want to fit it and they will so really it should be changed for them not everyone else


martinlufc5637 yet they still say men can have breast cancer and as far as my medical knowledge goes all genders have breastbones!


martinlufc5637 world 🌍 getting worse and very scared of saying the wrong thing nowadays


When my sister was in hospital, pre pandemic, she was in a mixed ward.


Pjran they have mixed wards but rooms are all woman or all men


What's to stop any perverted man dressing up as a woman so can get treated in the female wards? Is there some sort of identification papers for being transgender? Just seems completely logically to prevent those with male sex organs being on a female ward. Surprised it even needs a new law.


BonzoBanana it's not just in hospitals I've seen it there was man rapist's who identified as a woman and he went to a all woman's prison and he raped loads of inmates in there how was this allowed to happen


Leannexxx There was a case in Scotland something like that although I think in the end he was kept isolated, not sure.


BonzoBanana it's madness this shouldn't be allowed to happen


BonzoBanana made worse by the fact the police are already failing to protect and prosecute rape and sexual assault.


I work on psych wards and this has come up a few times. Patients themselves have told me that they were uncomfortable with it. Not sure on the legalities though so it’s a hard one.


I agree with you. I don't feel comfortable losing my identity as a woman so a small minority can feel better. Unfortunately there have already been cases where women have been attacked by transgender woman on the wards with them.

Why do a small minority get to steal the identity of half the population??


Midnightflower I have asked time and again to the sky and the earth and whoever will listen why are minorities given their rights over the rights of majorities.........I never get an answer!😠


Lynibis because they want to be the majority no matter what they want to change there birth certificate too I understand they want to be recognised for who they are and that's fine but when is enough, enough I'm proud to be a woman and a mother no one is gonna take that away from me


Leannexxx well said. It's almost like being 'normal' these days is a sin.


Lynibis yup definitely agree


Leannexxx I feel the same. I have no issues with changing gender ect everyone should be able to be who they want but why is breastfeeding now chest feeding it's ridiculous.


In this situation, I would be uncomfortable with a person who has biologically male genitalia...


I would be uncomfortable and wouldn't go if it was an invasive check-up


Men are Men and Women are Women and nothing can change that. Figure that one out.


Emerge11 it's a rabbit hole like all the sexualities now either way i look at it your either gay , lesbian or bi, straight none of this pan sexual or a sexual it makes no sense to me


With ever increasing waiting lists, massive staff shortages, strike action by several different staff groups, longer waiting times in A&E, crumbling hospital buildings, and lots of other problems after years of neglect and under funding by the government the health secretary decides to concentrate on this just to appease certain elements of his party. This is nothing do do with helping the NHS, and patients, and all about trying to secure his position under whoever takes control of the conservatives next. There have been no registered official complaints to NHS hospitals from women about this issue. Yes there is a debate to be had over how to treat patients equally and fairly and respect patients wishes but he has far more important issues to sort out as people are dying whilst waiting for treatment


Transgender women are women. There is no need for transphobic comments or views. Transgender people are not transgender to try to get into different bathrooms or hospital wards. They are simple trying to be who they are and use bathrooms and services like the rest of the population.


lornaae I disagree fact is they live there life like a woman there not born a woman there for will not know the full extent what woman go through and let me far I don't anyone of the comments are transphonic at all it's people just saying how they feel about it


Leannexxx some people feel they are born into the wrong body, so go through the transgender process to be in the right body. It’s just important to see that the reason someone wants to transition is to be their true self, that’s it. A transgender woman is a woman and a transgender man is a man. There’s really no need to look at them differently other than to recognise that they have had to fight to get where they are. Just because what people are expressing is their thoughts and feelings, doesn’t mean those thoughts and feelings aren’t offensive or transphobic. And where it has been said about transgender individuals being rapists or perverted, I’d be interested to see some reliable sources and figures. Almost every woman close to me has been a victim of sexual assault, all by straight white men. I find it bizarre and hateful that some people seem to think transgender people are perverted or attackers, that’s truly not the case. Of course I’m not saying every one, but there’s always bad apples amongst all types of people. It’s definitely not a characteristic or stereotype that can be fairly attributed to all or even most transgender people.


lornaae I definitely agree with this a true trans person isn't getting into female places to do anything but to try fit in and be their true selves and vice versa with trans men, I can see why some people might be a little uncomfortable but on a ward there's curtains pull them across if you don't want to acknowledge the other person examinations ect aren't done in the wide open most of the time. People are people their parts aren't going to effect my standard of care that's given in hospitals. It's true maybe a trans doesn't know the full extent of what a born woman faces but we who are the same sex as born with don't know what they go through too.


soul101 absolutely, cisgender people will never truly understand a transgender persons experience and vice versa. But just because a trans woman for example won’t have the experience of being a woman/girl/female from birth, doesn’t make them any less of a woman and it’s really no one’s business. People have commented here that they’d be uncomfortable being undressed in front of anyone aside from partner and medical staff, so even in front of other cisgender women they wouldn’t be comfortable. And as you’ve pointed out, there are privacy curtains. It’s a non-issue that is being made about transgender people when there’s really no need. And as I said before, a transgender woman is not pretending to be trans to get onto a woman’s ward, what a bizarre and ignorant thought.


lornaae I don't look at the differently at all I believe anyone should do what they want to be happy I'm not bothered at all if they go on wards or use the same toilets as from a young age in my local city there has always been unisex toilets the issue I have I feel like something that's been so natural to me as a woman some are trying to take that away from us woman sorry but we thought for woman's rights many years ago and it's gonna end up happening again because of as someone put not real transgenders and there's many out there man and woman who act on this situation to get what they want sorry that's my opinion it's not transphonic


Leannexxx someone being transgender does not take anything away from you being a woman. How do you figure that to be the case? Someone being transgender had nothing to do with anyone else but them self. It’s not about you. It’s about them and them only.


lornaae the fact that most things to do with pregnancy breastfeeding, the fact I wasn't allowed to have my partner at scans during covid and yet there were trans people with there partner who was allowed to be there because they needed more emotional support that's what I was told so my partner could only come one scan the fact that after I had my child I had no issues what's so ever to be on a ward with other mums and there was a trans man who's just had there baby wasn't happy about being put on a ward so they was moved to a private room and there partner could stay over night till they was allowed home didn't happen for any other woman but it did for them that's just going off my experience yes I know there all not the same but I don't like the entitlement what they think they should get when when it comes to child birth it's all the same trans or not


Leannexxx ok, but the issue of you not being allowed to have your partner at scans is not something that is due to trans people? And I understand your frustration if you saw or heard of a trans person attending an appointment where someone was able to come with them, and you weren’t able to have that. But that doesn’t mean they are entitled or that those two situations even have anything to do with each other. Trans people go through struggles and harassment that cisgender people probably can’t imagine. We all have our struggles and there are often situations that are difficult or seem unfair, but it’s not really fair to blame these on trans people. I disagree that transgender people are entitled. In fact they face a lot of discrimination and have to fight harder to get the basics that cisgender people take for granted.


lornaae wasn't on about all trans people I'm on about the ones I've seen myself in that experience and I'm sorry it's not just trans people who experienced harassment it's all of the community who have as I've got gay and lesbian family members and even when I told them about my experience they didn't agree with it either they can't sit there saying that they want to be treated the same and yet don't like it when they are so I understand where as you called us cisgender are coming from to a point


Leannexxx I understand if you’ve had some negative experiences with some trans people, but I’m glad you say you’re not on about all. It really isn’t justified to generalise. It’s not just trans people who experience harassment no, but they sure do face a lot of it. I hope that increasingly trans women will just be able to be seen and treated as women, and the same for trans men. Sometimes a little empathy goes a long way. The one trans person you experienced on that ward may have had different reasons for asking for a private room, or maybe they feared the potential harassment, at such a vulnerable time.


lornaae Unfortunately your incorrect as there has been a case of rape in the UK which the hospital tried to cover up. If someone chooses to change their identity that is absolutely fine but why does that mean the NHS can't use the word breastfeeding anymore which woman have done forever?


Midnightflower I’m not confirming or denying that any one incident has taken place. I’m saying you cannot generalise a group of people based on one incident by one person. And regarding your comment about the term breastfeeding not being used, not something I’ve heard of and I don’t think this is an issue.


lornaae it's definitely a issue breastfeeding it's one of the most natural thing a mother can do and people seem to have a issue when it's done in public and now midwifes are not allowed to say it same as dad it has to be chest feeding and partner now


Leannexxx who’s having an issue with breastfeeding? I agree it’s a natural thing and I’m not aware of any issues around this, in fact I had thought that society has progressed a lot with breastfeeding, I feel that I see this more in recent years. I’ve not heard of the term being replaced with chest feeding, but this also feels like a non-issue. Like when it was going round that non binary people wanted snowmen to be called snow people, that’s not an issue that non binary people have ever really cared about. But the media seemed to spread that around and then people attacked this non issue.


lornaae it's a not issue for you but for some it definitely is as I've said that's one word no matter how big or small it's taking away from natural woman and mothers


Leannexxx but again this may be an issue for some but perhaps a very small minority. And not fair to judge a whole community or everyone based on the views or opinions of a few.


lornaae you don't know how many have a issue with it tho you just think there is no issues and they should have everything as they want it but the world doesn't work like that I wish it did but it doesn't there's gonna be millions of people who have a issue with it because of whatever reasons they have maybe religious I don't know this is what I'm saying why can't it be for them only in that situation? And not have it pushed on everyone else


Leannexxx yeah I understand it may be an issue for some, but how many? Seems like a very small minority. And still not fair to generalise and say that all of a certain group have issue with it.


lornaae we I don't know exactly how many have a issue with it but I do know this the woman in hospital when I was there on the ward they did have a issue with it they felt like something so natural was taken away from them and I can't see why they would feel that way like a said yes it's only a small thing but there's always gonna be something else and before you know it child birth will never be the same again for some and I wasn't saying all group have a issue with it but there is people out there that will have a issue with it


Leannexxx ok so you’re saying that because one trans person had this view you think that all do and feel that something is taken away from you because of this?


lornaae it didn't take anything from me because I've never breast-fed but it's not gonna be the same for everyone the fact my pregnancy was difficult and my partner couldn't come to scans with me it was hard on him too he didn't get to hear them first heart beats and yes I won't lie I was fuming when I was told that he couldn't come because of covid that's understandable but they could have there partner there, this is the midwifes words by the way they needed more emotional support and that's bs every woman who's pregnant needs that support I watched a woman come out of a scan crying her eyes out on her own and was put in a room by herself as they found the baby had passed away she didn't have her husband with her it's heartbreaking


Leannexxx I completely empathise with you that is awful and I can’t imagine how difficult that must have been for you and others in those situations. I am simply saying that just because one transgender person had a different experience in that situation where you felt they were given things you weren’t able to have, doesn’t mean all transgender people are trying to take anything away from you or others. You had one experience with one transgender person that you are trying to generalise to the entire transgender population.

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