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Best Mobile Broadband Deals

Available from Virgin Media

If you're looking for a mobile broadband deal then look no further! I've compiled some of the best deals that are currently available from Virgin Media. I've included mobile broadband offers that have different amounts of data, short and long contracts, as well as those with and without upfront costs so that you can decide which one is best suited for you. The cost per month and total cost will vary depending on these factors.

Regardless of which deal you prefer, you'll be able to connect up to 16 devices to the internet where there is a 3G or 4G signal. You can use your portable WiFi dongle at home or take it with you to use on the go, since it's small enough to fit in your bag. It has a battery life of 6 hours when you're using it and up to 350 hours when it's not in use, giving you plenty of time to stream your favourite film, research for an assignment or send some emails using mobile WiFi.

3GB Portable WiFi dongle - You can get mobile broadband from Virgin Media, using a Mi-Fi dongle for £8 per month. This uses a 4G connection, and you get 3GB data. The contract length is for 1 month with an upfront cost of £40. The total cost over the whole term is £48.


6GB Portable WiFi dongle - You can get mobile broadband from Virgin Media, using a Mi-Fi dongle for £12 per month. This uses a 4G connection, and you get 6GB data. The contract length is for 1 month with an upfront cost of £40. The total cost over the whole term is £52.


15GB Portable WiFi dongle - You can get mobile broadband from Virgin Media, using a Mi-Fi dongle for £20 per month. This uses a 4G connection, and you get 15GB data. The contract length is for 1 month with an upfront cost of £40. The total cost over the whole term is £60.


3GB Portable WiFi dongle - You can get mobile broadband from Virgin Media, using a Mi-Fi dongle for £8 per month. This uses a 4G connection, and you get 3GB data. The contract length is for 12 months with an upfront cost of £0. The total cost over the whole term is £96.


6GB Portable WiFi dongle - You can get mobile broadband from Virgin Media, using a Mi-Fi dongle for £12 per month. This uses a 4G connection, and you get 6GB data. The contract length is for 12 months with an upfront cost of £0. The total cost over the whole term is £144.


15GB Portable WiFi dongle - You can get mobile broadband from Virgin Media, using a Mi-Fi dongle for £20 per month. This uses a 4G connection, and you get 15GB data. The contract length is for 12 months with an upfront cost of £0. The total cost over the whole term is £240.


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What do you think of this Virgin Media deal?+20 points

Decent company virgin media so thanks for sharing this with us on this site ☺️😃☺️☺️


Sounds expensive to me


these are a bit pricey, worth going on uswitch and checking out individual deals there. worst case buy a higher data sim only plan. i'm with ee and have 200gb data unltd texts/calls for £18.40 a month (with student discount applied). just worth having a look around and to check network coverage.

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