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Black Friday Deal- Cosatto Wow the Whole 9 Yards I-Size Bundle - 4 Colours

Available from Baby and Co

Get everything you need with the whole 9 yards bundle includes: pushchair, carrycot, dock carseat, car seat base, car seat adaptors, changing bag and footmuff.

The Cosatto Wow I-Size Travel System is a beautifully vibrant and stylish system that includes, pushchair, carrycot, car seat, isofix base and matching footmuff and changing bag . The Pram System suitable from birth to 15kg (approximately 4 years). It really will make your fellow mums and dads on the school run say "wow" with its exquisite tailoring and added extra practical features, designed to make your life a breeze.

The Wow includes a from-birth carrycot that can be used up to the age of 6 months, and features a comfortable mattress, carry handle and removable washable liner, as well as a one-hand release function that makes it easy to remove from the pushchair chassis. The chassis itself is made from lightweight aluminium and provides a compact, easy fold when you need to store or transport the pushchair. The deep comfortable pushchair seat is suitable from 6 months to 4 years and provides your little one with a supportive snuggle, as well as the ability to face either you or the view in front of them. The seat is structured and upholstered for ultra comfort and you also receive a headhugger, chest pads and a tummy pad for even more plushness.

The Cosatto Wow features a clever, one-handed top recline button and one hand adjustable seat unit calf support, so your child can get comfy in a variety of positions. The padded bumper bar is removable and hinged for easy access to your little one and the telescopic leatherette handle allows you to adjust the handle height for your own comfort.

When tackling bumpy or uneven surfaces, you can rely on the Wow's all-round suspension and lockable front swivel wheels, that give you more stability and control while you're on the move. The wheels are quickly released, making them easy to clean and made with a rubber skin to give you an all-terrain buggy. All you need to transform your Cosatto Wow into a travel system is compatible Dock Car Seat and adaptors (included).

No matter what the weather, your Cosatto Wow 2 in 1 Pram System will be there for you. Armed with an original Cosatto raincover to keep baby dry, and a sunshade hood with extendable sun visor, that gives your baby UPF50+ protection, you can battle the elements. What's more, the hood even comes equipped with toy loops to keep your little one entertained when everything outside is grey and white, or bright and blinding. The fresh air panel will also make sure your child isn't too hot or stuffy, keeping them at a good temperature while promoting fresh air flow into the pram.

Underneath the seat you will find a supersized shopping basket with handy compartments for your belongings. It's a great way to keep your arms free and your things nice and neatly organised. Wow.

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