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Syberia 1-2, Lords Of the Fallen, SUPERHOT, DiRT 3 (Steam)

Available from G2A

Saw this deal on YouTube and decided to post it here because it's an awesome compilation of great games for only 1.50 EUR which is around £1.28!

The games you'll get:

• Syberia

• Syberia II

• Lords of the Fallen: Digital Deluxe


• DiRT 3: Complete

Gamers should definitely check out SUPERHOT as it's one of the hottest FPS games around.

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What do you think of this G2A deal?+20 points

Whoa. Definitely do not be posting G2A here. This needs removing. G2A are well known for being scum and selling stolen games. Even the other deal site won't allow these. Just search for the AMA they did on Reddit the other week for the reaction they got.



Hi Dread I can't profess to know much about G2A! They seem to have a fairly decent trust pilot rating on first glance?

Could I suggest we start a chat topic about them and let anyone express their views good or bad so that we can decide if we want to prevent their deals from being shared on LD?

As far as I can see LD has no affiliate relationship with them so there's no direct incentive for us to keep them or not (not that we'd keep a bad retailer purely for commission anyway). But would be good for everyone to have a chance to express a view! 👍


Kelsey Just read the link i gave you in the last comment. A chat they did directly with Reddit recently (a guy proves to them he can sell stolen games and they ban him and take his credit from him) or search google for g2a stolen games. You really don't want to make it look like you are advertising this company. You can start a chat but without informed gamers here on the site i don't think it would be worth it. TrustPilot hasn't been a useful resource since the 00s. Companies pay people to give them good ratings. There are companies set up that hire employees to fill out positive reviews all day.


Dread G2A is a marketplace which caters to thousands and thousands of customers so a few bad apples doesn't mean the entire marketplace is corrupted. I'm not defending G2A here, it's simply that there's good and bad experiences everywhere.

Kelsey G2A on Trustpilot has a solid score of 9.0/10. The majority are very happy customers while a minority of them weren't.


Rockman Most companies don't sell stolen goods Rockman, and charge you to have protection against it and especially not PC games. These can get your entire Steam collection banned. They are well known for it this is not a few bad apples. They are rife on G2A. TrustPilot means nothing and isn't a useful resource and hasn't been for years. Companies pay to get reviews aswell as being able to remove bad ones. Again just read the conversation and search and inform yourself. If you asked who were the most untrustworthy key seller on the internet G2A would come top. It is why they got the reception they did in the AMA on reddit.

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