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Best Student Job Websites: How to Find a Job as a Student

Are you a student and not too sure if you should work while studying? Are you a student that wants to work while studying and is looking for a job? Latest Deals is here to help you decide if working and studying is something you want to do and how you can find the perfect student job for you!

In this guide

Should you get a job at university?


This is totally up to you, but there are more advantages than disadvantages when it comes to working while studying. The biggest disadvantage is that you will have less time for studying. But if you are 100% honest, how much time do you really spend studying even without a job? Much less than you think, so you can probably make it work. The advantages of getting a job while studying are large. You will get experience and be in a better position when it comes to getting a job after graduation. You will learn working skills that are necessary for any job, such as: 

  • Time Management
  • Responsibility
  • Problem-solving and initiative
  • Attention to detail
  • Communication
  • Knowledge of how the world works
  • Personal finances

There is an important point to take into consideration if you wait until after graduation to start working - you could face more hardship to find a job. The world has changed and many people are not even getting degrees anymore and trying other options such as apprenticeships. Others are interested in creating their own businesses and jobs. 

In addition, many successful businesses we know today, such as Facebook and Gymshark, started inside university dorms. Studying and getting a good degree is not a guarantee of a perfect future. You have the credentials, but the world is asking for more than that at the moment. In resume, start working as soon as you can, to be ready after graduation. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: Some universities don’t allow their students to work in some type of degrees, make sure your university does allow you to work before accepting any job. 

How many hours a week should a student work?

Your main priority should be your studies and you need to work around your school schedule. If you are a part-time student, you will be able to work more hours, the recommended amount is up to 20 hours per week, which gives you the chance to get a part-time job. If you are a full-time student, you will have much less time to work, the recommended amount is up to 10 hours per week, which also can give you the chance to get a part-time job. When you are on school break, usually during the summer, you can look to get more hours of work and a full-time internship, for example. 

What type of student job can I look for? 


Part-time student jobs

There are many different types of part-time student jobs that can be done remotely or in-person. Some options for in-person work are babysitter, pet sitter, barista, bartender, restaurant server, telemarketer, security guard, bank teller, cashier and others. Some options for remote work include social media assistant, tutor, content creator, researchers and others. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: Tutoring is one of the best jobs for students because you will be able to help other students to study the same thing you are already doing. This job will help you to learn more as well because teaching is a two-way process. You can work for yourself or join a tutoring company. Nowadays, most tutoring services are offered 100% online. 

Event, festival, promo and hospitality jobs

One of the biggest industries that employs students is Entertainment. You can get a job as a brand ambassador, bar staff, street marketing, front of house or wristbanding. This is great if you are looking for summer jobs as you, usually, get paid weekly. You don’t usually need previous experience and only good communication skills. 

The best Student Job Website for event, festival, promo and hospitality jobs is Flair Event Staffing and Management. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to coronavirus, the hospitality industry has suffered closures and many businesses have been shut down. It’s important to follow the government guidelines to see when these businesses will reopen and when and how it’s safe to work for them. 

Retail jobs

Due to coronavirus, the retail industry has been highly affected. Nowadays, it’s still difficult to say when retail jobs are going to be widely available like in the past. You can still look for retail jobs in essential places such as supermarkets, pharmacies, post offices, off-licences, petrol stations and stores that sell food, medicines, cleaning products and others, such as Poundland and Savers. 

The Best Student Job Website for Retail Jobs is Retail Choice. 


Usually, internships are within the industry you are studying for. Internships can be paid and unpaid, part-time or full-time. They are an excellent way to get a job after graduation in your field of study. 

Jobs for international students

Depending on the type of passport you hold, you will be able or not to work in the UK during or after you graduate. The best way to check that is through the UK Council for International Student Affairs. 

Tips to get a job as a student 


The competition is high, so you need to make sure you are doing all you can to get the job! Latest Deals has selected some tips to increase your chances of getting a student job. Check them out below: 

Tip #1 Give yourself time to look for a job 

It can take some time to find a job and you don’t want to be desperate to find one as this will make things much harder for yourself. If you are desperate to get a job, you will probably make the wrong choices. Give yourself time to look for the right job for you, and avoid accepting anything just to quit after a couple of weeks. Plan for when you want to be working and give yourself at least six to three months to search. 

Tip #2 Write the best CV and cover letter you possibly can 

These two pieces of paper, printed or digital, will be the first impression you will leave. You need to write the best ones you can and also adapt them for every position you apply for. Employers want to find the perfect match for their requirements, so when you see a job post, make sure your CV matches it perfectly to increase your chances. Also, keep your LinkedIn profile always updated. There are many online resources on how to make a better CV, Cover Letter and Linkedin Profile.

Tip #3 Take part in extracurricular activities

You will need to stand out from your competition, and taking part in extracurricular activities is one of the best ways to do it. The more abilities you acquire in life, the more skilled a worker you will be. Make sure you are dedicating your free time to useful activities that will make you a better person. Even if it’s something not related to the current job you are looking for, having hobbies shows interest and that you are a person that can be dedicated to something. Employers want to see that they can count on you, so if you show dedication to unpaid activities, you seem reliable. 

Tip #4 Show enthusiasm as a job applicant

We all know that job hunting is exhausting and you will face many different emotions, but every time you are dealing with a person in the process, you need to put on a brave face and show your best version. At the end of the day, you want to get the job, and they will hire someone that shows more enthusiasm about the position. 

Tip #5 Change your social media settings to private

During the job-hunting process, the best thing you can do is to change your social settings to private. Even if you don’t have anything to hide. You want to make sure they are totally unbiased when they meet you. Social media can also be harmful to your reputation. Delete anything you wouldn’t want a future employer to see! If your job is related to social media and you need to show your content, you can edit it to make sure it’s the best you can do. 

Tip #6 Be ready to start working anytime 

This can be tricky, but if you are applying for a job, it shows that you want to work and start at any time. Make sure you don’t have too many holidays booked and you will be free to start working when your employer needs you. Also, make sure you let them know any important days you have a commitment to in advance. If it’s something that it’s not so important and can be rescheduled, do it. Your new job should be your top priority. 

Tip #7 Try to get a job first at your university

If you don’t have any experience and you are concerned about going out to the real world to start a job, try to get a job first at your university. There are many opportunities and you will be able to get a better work-school balance because you won’t need to commute for too long. Sometimes, you are even able to get some study done even when working if you get a job at the library for example and it’s a quieter time. This will still help you train for the “real world” and give you confidence and organisational skills. 

Tip #8 Be flexible and look outside the box 

You probably already have an idea of what is the perfect job for you, or your dream job. (If you don’t, there is nothing wrong with you, some people just find their path later on in life.) Sometimes, you will be able to get it right away, but most probably you won’t and you will need to be flexible. Even if you get a job that doesn't have much to do with what you are studying, you still will learn a lot and this will be seen positively in your CV and Cover Letter because it shows you put yourself out there and gained experience. Also, at work, you will have lots of chances to meet new people and maybe line up a better opportunity. The most important thing is to do something to get experience (and money). 

Tip #9 Line up jobs to work during your holidays 

It’s not the most exciting thing to work during your holiday break, but this is a great opportunity to make extra money and get experience. During summer, you can get more job opportunities because the entertainment industry is much more active, so you will be able to find jobs that weren’t there before. This is the time that internships are offered as well. You need to get organised in advance to get a summer internship. Sometimes this internship is paid and other unpaid. Depending on the case, you might need to manage your time between the unpaid internship and the summer job. 

Tip #10 Find a mentor

Finding a mentor is easier than you think. A mentor is someone who you can ask for advice and guidance. Usually, a mentor is someone who has more experience than you. You can reach out to them in person or online. You can meet a mentor in a networking event for example or, you might find someone on Linkedin who’s in your dream career.

You just need to ask politely and not take too much of their time. In a casual way, just ask if you can reach out to them if you have any doubts or questions. You don’t necessarily have to ask them to be your mentor, which could be a bit scary. Having a mentor could be helpful if you are not too sure what is the right next step in your career. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are meeting the person offline, make sure you take them for a coffee and pay for it. This is a nice treat and makes people happy. If you are meeting the person online, you can send them a small e-gift later as a thank you note. 

Tip #11 Approach employers face to face

If you have the chance to meet employers face to face this is always the best option. If there is a place that you want to work for, make sure you go deliver your CV and Cover Letter in person and talk to the person that is responsible for hiring for that position. This shows confidence and commitment, two important things in the workplace. 

Step by step process on how to find a job as a student 


Finding a job as a student is a process. Latest Deals created a step by step process to help you: 

Step #1 Decide what type of job you want 

First of all, you need to decide what type of job you want. We have listed some options above. 

Step #2 Write your CV 

If you don’t have any experience, focus on your education. Your CV shouldn’t be more than one page long. Make sure you include all the relevant information to the position you are applying for. Check out how to write a CV. 

Step #3 Write your Cover Letter 

Depending on the position you are applying for, you will need a Cover Letter to explain why you are a good fit for the position. As per your CV, your Cover Letter shouldn’t be more than one page long. You also need to make sure you include everything you can to show that you are one of the best candidates for the position. Check out how to write a Cover Letter. 

Step #4 Look for positions

Now with your CV and Cover Letter in hand, you need to start looking for positions. We have listed some places to look for jobs later in this guide. 

Step #5 Apply for positions 

Now that you have found some positions you are interested in applying for, you need to take some time aside to do the applications carefully, they are, usually, a one-shot opportunity. 

Step 6# Adapt your CV and Cover Letter for each position you want.

One important thing to do is to adapt your CV and Cover Letter to all the positions you apply for. 

Step 7# Wait for the replies 

Now that you have given your best, you need to wait. Waiting is never easy, but you need to be detached from the outcome. You can only control up to the moment you hit send, after that, it is out of your control. So let it go and hope for the best. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: One of the things that can happen when you are applying for a job is to create expectations. You can see a position that sounds perfect for you and you spend hours imagining how your life would be if you were working there. And then, if you don’t get the job, or even worse, you don’t ever hear back from them, you get extremely disappointed. Don’t create expectations and your process of getting a job will be much less stressful.

What to do next if you get an interview for a student job

If you got an interview for a student job, congratulations! Now, you need to get ready for it. The first thing to do is to confirm where and when you have the interview and be ready to show up. Then, you should ask how long the interview is and what you should expect from it. You will need to research the company and study some common interview questions. The better you know how to answer the questions, the more chances you have of getting the job. Some common interview questions are: 

  • Could you tell us a little bit about yourself?
  • What do you know about our company?
  • What interests you about this job?
  • What are your strengths?
  • What are your weaknesses?
  • Can you describe your ideal work environment?
  • Can you tell us about a moment in your life that you overcame a challenge? 
  • Where do you see yourself in five years?
  • Do you have any questions for us?

Indeed has a few other questions you might want to take a look at. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: One of the most important parts of a job interview is the questions you ask the interviewer. Check out these 51 questions you can ask the interviewer. Make sure you have them written down to not forget when it’s your time to ask questions. This will show you have a real interest in the position you are interviewing for and put you above any other candidates that did not ask questions. It’s essential to ask questions at the end of the interview. If you are attending an in-person interview, make sure you have dressed appropriately, know the exact address and arrive there in advance. If you are attending an online interview, make sure you are also dressed appropriately, have the correct link to attend the interview, the software required installed and a spot that’s tidy with good lighting. 

What to do next if you don’t get an interview for a student job 

If you don’t get an interview for a student job, you just need to keep applying. Keep in mind that you will have to apply for hundreds of jobs before getting one. This is just the way things are at the moment. It’s not easy but it’s not impossible. If you keep applying and don't give up, you will eventually find something.

Where to look for a student job? 


There are many ways to look for a student job. Latest Deals collected some of them below: 

Part-time and student job search tools

One of the best websites to look for part-time and student jobs is studentjobs.co.uk. There are thousands and thousands of opportunities around the UK. Another good website is Employment for Students, known as e4s. You can check it here. This website also has many opportunities around the UK. Make sure you create email alerts with them to receive new job posts in your inbox to make your search easier. 

Recruitment agencies - best option if you are looking for internships 

There are some recruitment agencies specialised in student jobs. The Graduate Recruitment Bureau (GRB) is the biggest one in the UK. The second big one is Student Employment Services (SES) which only have internship and placement opportunities. Make sure you create an account with them today.

Social media

LinkedIn is the biggest social media platform for finding and applying for jobs, so make sure you have a profile and are using the tool daily. You can also find job opportunities on Twitter via hashtags. Facebook can be another great option, even more so if you are participating in groups for student jobs. Finally, Instagram can also be used to search for job opportunities. To have more chances, use all of them. 

Job Fairs 

With coronavirus, jobs fairs have been cancelled, but some have moved to the online world. Hopefully, with the end of the pandemic, job fairs will be able to be held again and gather students looking for jobs and employers looking for enthusiastic students. To find a job fair, you just need to search your type of study, your location and the keyword jobs fair. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you want to get the most out of your job fair visit in person make sure you: research all the companies that will be attending, to see which ones you are already interested in, take your CV and cover letter printed to give to the recruiters, ask for the recruiters’ contact information and send them an email as soon as you get back home, reminding them who you are, which position you have applied for and to open a channel of communication if they have any new positions that you could apply to in future. 

University Careers Centre

Most universities will have a career centre that offers services to help students to get a job inside and outside the university. The first place you need to go when you want to get a student job is to this centre, as you can get the best resources to be able to find a job easily. They will probably help you with your CV and cover letter. They can also help you with your interview online or offline. They will tell you about job opportunities inside the university walls and connect you with other companies that are searching for someone like you. University career centres also organise and promote job fairs. 

Your network and networking events

One of the most important things that you need to have a successful career is to build your network. A network is a group of interconnected people. Opportunities circulate with people, so the more people you know, the more opportunities you will have to be successful. You can start with your class colleagues and professors but are always looking to expand. You can ask to be introduced to friends of friends and also participate in networking events. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: You don’t need to be friends with everyone you meet, but learn how to keep a professional relationship with them. Contacts are everything, and the more you have, the better chances you have of landing a job. On the other hand, be careful with the impressions you leave in your contacts, you need to make sure you are making a good impression to be considered for a future opportunity, for example. 

Major employers/ big companies websites 

One thing we recommend doing is listing on a spreadsheet all the major employers in the area you are interested in working for. You will find at least 50 big companies for sure. Get all their job application information and make sure you cover all of them. Usually, these major companies don’t need to advertise on external job boards and keep all their vacancies on their own website. 


As mentioned above, the retail and hospitality industries are two of the biggest sources of student jobs. They, usually, offer more part-time opportunities which result in time flexibility. They also have more seasonal vacancies, where they need to employ extra people to cover a higher demand, making it perfect for students on holidays. The third big working option for students is tutoring, where you can help other students with the knowledge you have. Depending on your commitment, you can potentially make a good income, not only during your studies but even after. 

What about freelance jobs and the gig economy?

Freelancing is getting bigger and bigger every year. If you like the concept of working on a project or gig, this can be a great opportunity for you. To be able to get a freelance job, you will need to have the abilities that people are looking for. If you want to be a full-time freelancer in the future, starting at university can be a huge differential as to make more money as a freelancer you will need to build a reputation and this only comes with time. 

Online student jobs and working from home

If you are a student and you want to work from home, you have some possibilities: you can work as a social media manager, a content creator for the internet, as a designer, as a data entry worker or software tester. The type of work you can do will depend on your abilities. You can also try to get some certifications via short courses to complement your education and get a faster track to the working world. 

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