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LG Electronics GSVV80PYLL American Fridge Freezer + £29.99 Delivery

Available from Reliant

Features & Benefits

This super-energy efficient, low noise, smart American fridge freezer is perfect for larger families and households. Designed to take up less space in your kitchen but still give you an enormous 635 litre storage capacity - that's a whopping 35 bags of shopping. Its handy NoFrost technology reduces the amount of ice build up in all compartments to almost zero; that means no more manual defrosting. The fridge's Slim SpacePlus® ice system is a great addition and gives you cold purified water or crushed ice whenever you want a delicious long, cool and refreshing drink.

LG's NatureFRESH™ uses intelligent sensors to maintain the temperature in the fridge freezer while LINEARCooling™, DoorCooling+™ and Multi Flow keeps the cool air circulating throughout, even when the door is open, keeping your food fresher for longer. The Fresh Zone and 2 FRESHBalancer™ drawers gives you the option on the humidity setting, depending on whether you're storing fruit or vegetables. Connect to LGs ThinQ app via WiFi to activate the InstaView™ window and for remote control or pair the app with your home speaker.

Large 655 Litre Capacity: Equivalent to 36 bags of shopping, across mutiple compartments to keep your family fed and happy all year round.

InstaView™: Intuitive window with ThinQ™ app and WiFi connectivity, allows you to look inside your fridge without opening the door.

NatureFRESH™ Technology: Uses clever sensors to maintain the temperature you've selected, keeping your food fresher for longer.

NoFrost System: Keeps ice build up in all compartments to a minimum so, no more manual defrosting.

LINEARCooling™ and DoorCooling+™: Uses Multi Flow technology to constantly circulate cool air around the fridge, even when the door is open.

Dedicated Fresh Zone and 2 FRESHBalancer™: These drawers give you the option to set the humidity level for fruit or vegetables.

Multi Airflow Cooling Technology: keeps cool air circulating, even into the corners, to avoid any hot or icy cold spots

WiFi Connectivity: Allows you to link with LG's ThinQ app via a smart device, or pair with your home AI speaker, for remote or voice activated control.

Slim SpacePlus®: This ice system dispenses cool purified water or crushed ice when you want it, ideal for long, cool and refreshing drinks on tap.

A+ Energy Rating: Reduced noise level and excellent energy efficiency plus power failure safe storage for up to 20 hours.

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