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Top 5 Pay as You Go SIM Deals for July 2023

Available from Lebara

Here are the top 5 Pay As You Go SIM deals for July, with a minimum of 3GB of data, sorted by cheapest price per month:

1st. Lebara has a rolling 1-month contract that has 5GB of data, 1,000 minutes, 1,000 texts, 5G and costs only £5 per month. To help compare prices, this is equal to £0.90 per GB.

2nd. Lebara also has a Pay As You Go SIM deal that has 5GB of data, 1,000 minutes, 1,000 texts, 5G and costs only £5 per month. To help compare prices, this is equal to £0.90 per GB.

3rd. Asda has a Pay As You Go SIM deal that has 3GB of data, unlimited calls, unlimited texts, 4G and costs only £5 per month. To help compare prices, this is equal to £1.67 per GB.

4th. Smarty has a rolling 1-month contract that has 4GB of data, unlimited calls, unlimited texts, 4G and costs only £6 per month. To help compare prices, this is equal to £1.50 per GB.

5th. Smarty also has a rolling 1-month contract that has 8GB of data, unlimited calls, unlimited texts, 4G and costs only £7 per month. To help compare prices, this is equal to £0.88 per GB.


For SIM deals with a minimum of 5GB of data, Lebara is the cheapest at £5 per month. However, in terms of the cost per GB of data, Smarty is the best value for money with its 8GB of data for £7 per month which is equal to £0.88p per GB.

We created this list by researching hundreds of SIM only deals. Then, we filtered them for those with a minimum of 1GB of data, and sorted by the cheapest price. We do not include cashback.

Better value-for-data plans are available with SIM only 1-month rolling contracts, which are not included here; see latestdeals.co.uk/tags/sim-onlyhttps://www.latestdeals.co.uk/guides/household-bills/best-pay-as-you-go-sim-deals

Traditional Pay As You Go bundles offer an allowance of calls, texts and data that you use up. When your credit is finished, you must top-up.

However, this traditional type of Pay As You Go bundle is decreasing in availability. Providers are switching to a monthly allowance instead:

You are given an allowance of calls, texts and data that expire at the end of the month. If you wish to continue, you need to pay again the following month.

There isn't much difference between this and a rolling 1-month contract bundle which you can cancel at any time.

For this reason, in our table of cheapest pay as you go SIMs below, we have included all types together.

You will need to check whether you have to pay via direct debit, or via manual top-up on the provider's website.

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