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Top 5 SIM Only Deals for February 2023

Available from ID Mobile

Here are the top 5 SIM only deals for February, with a minimum of 8GB of data, sorted by cheapest price per month:

1st. iD Mobile has SIM only deal with rolling 1-month contract that has 15GB of data, unlimited calls, unlimited texts, 5G and costs only £7 per month. To help compare prices, this is equal to £0.47 per GB.

2nd. Smarty has a SIM only deal with rolling 1-month contract that has 8GB of data, unlimited calls, unlimited texts, 5G and costs only £7 per month. To help compare prices, this is equal to £0.88 per GB.

3rd. iD Mobile has another SIM only deal with rolling 1-month contract that has 24GB of data, unlimited calls, unlimited texts, 5G, and costs only £8 per month. To help compare prices, this is equal to £0.33 per GB.

4th. Smarty has a SIM only deal with following 1-month contract that has 12GB of data, unlimited calls, unlimited texts, 5G, and costs only £8 per month. To help compare prices, this is equal to £0.67 per GB.

5th. TalkTalk has a SIM only deal with rolling 1-month contract that has 10GB of data, unlimited calls, unlimited texts, 5G, and costs only £9 per month. To help compare prices, this is equal to £0.90 per GB.


For SIM deals with a minimum of 8GB of data, iD Mobile is the cheapest at £7 per month. However, in terms of the cost per GB of data, iD Mobile is the best value for money with its 24GB of data for £8 per month which is equal to £0.33p per GB.

We created this list by researching hundreds of SIM only deals. Then, we filtered them for those with a minimum of 8GB of data, and sorted by the cheapest price per month.

Cheaper SIM only plans are available with less data. We choose not to include these because despite the lower monthly fee, the price per GB of data you receive goes up a lot. It's a bit like when you compare prices per gram in the supermarket to determine what's the best value.

If you would prefer to see simply the cheapest SIM only deals, we've included them in our money-saving guide:


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What do you think of this ID Mobile deal?+20 points

Vodafone has a good offer on at the moment, unlimited calls/txt and 40gb of date for £10 a month


Thank you for sharing this. I will read up on this properly tomorrow

LD Hunter

Billie You’re welcome


Great little share, definitely going to one if these cheaper companies when my 3 contract is up.

LD Hunter

neilro1 You’re welcome


Steer clear of ID Mobile. Customer service is appalling to say the least! I have never come across such a level of incompetence in 60 years in industry. They have your Direct Debit sorted out in a flash but to get a SIM card? Why would you want one of those. I have truly spent hours on their 'chat', repeating the same thing over and over again. Finally worked after 10 days. Now awaiting an offer of compensation. This is a 12 month contract. Heaven help me if I encounter any other problems!

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