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VNMN Bone Conduction Headphones

Available from Amazon

Ear-Hugging, Enduring Comfort - The Ergonomic Ear Hook & bone conduction ensuring ear buds stay in place even during active workouts. Additionally, the Open Ear sports earphones have IPX5 sweat resistance, perfect for intense exercise and outdoor activities.

Open-Ear Listening & Focused Calls - Designed for not in ear, comfortable to wear. Whether walking or running, cycling or driving, you can always feel the sounds of the outside world, staying aware and connected. During calls, the dual-microphone noise-canceling open-ear earbuds filter out external noise, making your conversations with friends as clear as if you were face to face.

Continuous Sound Quality - The EUQQ OPEN EAR headphones with a 16.2mm diameter driver delivers high-fidelity audio, with the motor coil approximately 30% larger than traditional types, offering transparent highs and immersive bass. EUQQ OPEN EAR headphones delve deeper into the nuances of sound, bringing a more astonishing listening experience.

Directional Acoustics & Dynamic Equalizer Gain - The Open Ear Headphones wireless earphones utilize directional acoustics technology to enhance clear volume output and reduce sound leakage. Can be dynamically adjusted based on earbud volume, the matrix low-frequency compensation function enhances bass, amplifies the low-frequency listening experience, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the music.

Impressive Battery Life - The charging case provides up to 30 hours of total battery life, allowing Open Earphones to better accompany you throughout the day. The digital power display screen conveniently shows the remaining battery life of the charging case, so you always know when it's time to recharge.

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Whilst the promo code worked, it only took off £60, leaving the cost at over £80 rather than £14.99.

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