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Should the 10million Be given Back ??

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Sunak says Tory donor's Diane Abbott comment was ‘racist’ but won’t return £10m www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/breaking-rishi-sunak-says-tory-32338685

I personally think he should give it back , what are you thoughts ?

2 months ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

I don't see the point in giving it back, many iffy people have given donations to various political parties, Labour, Conservative, Liberal Democrat, Brexit party, Independence Party etc. Anyone of any background can give political donations. Just because you have taken a donation from someone doesn't mean you have to agree with their views. I certainly think they should distance themselves from that person.

I personally think Diane Abbott is a complete idiot who should never have been elected. I just think she is a very low grade and idealistic politician that we really should never have had in the houses of parliament but that has nothing to do with her colour or gender I just think she is an incredibly stupid individual. There are many such individuals across multiple parties. However I certainly don't hate them and certainly don't want them killed however I do resent them being there in parliament having terrible opinions yet taking a high wage and amazing pension.

I also resent the huge amount of expenses. A look at her expenses shows she goes over the limit allowed so she had to refund some of her claims and why is she spending so much on office equipment and banners at our expense, sometimes expensive office equipment just months apart. Just seems annoying to me and she is no way the worst offender for expenses. Whenever I look at expenses for any politician it just seems incredibly unfair. In most walks of life expenses are minor claims over a year. It seems like politicians can claim for everything including stupid banners.

Also why can they earn extra money in work time doing TV appearances etc. If they take a day off to go to the BBC to discuss their opinions on a subject which they are paid for surely they shouldn't be paid their normal wage for that time away from parliament. Dianne Abbott has been paid over £110k for TV appearances at the BBC in the past. Why is she even paid for that when she is already been paid as a politician and the BBC is financed through a forced subscription model.

We really need to move to politicians focused on the economy who have the skills to manage the economy. You can't have politicians who keep coming up with ideas for how to spend money we haven't got because we are in a economic crisis.



BonzoBanana I was going to say same, part of any punishment could be he doesn't get it back! If he can afford to give away 10 mill he would probably just fritter it away or use it to make more dosh.


BonzoBanana thank you


Lynibis agree


BonzoBanana I wasn't aware of MPs' expenses available to read online. No wonder she is still a mp over 65 years old. The greedy and ungrateful woman. So, what if a tory donor insult or upset her. Is this the first time Miss D Abbott has been insulted? I don't think so. No, the donation should and must not be given back and I applause Rishi Sunak for refusing to give back it back.


Lynibis I've not checked but he seems to be linked to some building business so won't surprise me if he has had some lucrative contracts from the government and to him that £10 million is nothing compared to the contracts he obtained. I could be completely wrong but governments do need many buildings built for them.


I'd have said let your voting decide,l and show them the door , but is labour any better, not really


They won't give it back, unless there are more embarrassing revelations to come. If nothing else comes out, they will most likely accept more money from him in the future if he chooses to donate again.


Yes, obviously.

I'm hoping Lee Anderson becomes the next Prime Minister of the U.K. as the country has become lawless and too soft.

People might hate leaders such as Donald Trump, Javier Milei, Andre Ventura (he isn't yet, although he surely will be), Jair Bolsonaro (okay yeah he isn't anymore), and so on, but they make their countries a lot stronger, sovereign, and independent.

Moreover, Reform Party is admittedly not too different from the so-called "Conservative" Party, except for one very specific person now: Lee Anderson

Richard Tice? 🤣


PhilipMarc I'm with you we our too soft


PhilipMarc Lee Anderson was once a miner and got too posh for the working class and changed class. I can't see either him or the Reform Party winning more than 2 seats.


No the conservatives shouldn’t give it back, he doesn’t deserve it. With his wealth let’s hope he gives more away.


No, I think they should keep it and spend it on something useful. we need a massive change in our politicians


It’s not a good look for the party to take donations from someone who says things like that but as others have pointed out, they probably have also received from donations from people who have done a lot worse.


If they had any shred of credibility or decency then they would. They dont. so they wont.


Donors to government parties don't give out of the goodness of their heart. They do so because there's often lucrative work deals/contracts/info etc given back to them in return. I'll scratch your back, you scratch mine if you like. So technically he's likely already made it back, plus more through various ways, so no they shouldn't give it back.

I do hope it's another nail in coffin for this government tho.

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