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Do You Agree with Apple iPhone's Getting Much More Expensive?


I don't know why but I just can't bring myself to pay close to £1000 for a phone, it must not be only me? Don't get me wrong the phone is brilliant, but that is way too much to spend on a device.

over a year ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

Depending what sort of technology they come up with,looking forward to see one of the fold up screen phones,don't think it will be Iphone though


It's a great phone, but I agree it's overpriced. Over the last few years each new generation of iPhone isn't that much different from the previous one, so I tend to hold on to my mobile for longer now. Even the Apple boss has just said it's too expensive for some territories and is considering lowering the price - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-47047297


iPhones are great phones, no denying that. But I do definitely think they are overrated. For as long as they remain overrated Apple is going to keep on raising the prices because they know that people will still buy them regardless. Some people care more about the Apple logo on the back of their phones than whether or not it really is good value for money.


I posted a Similar thread the other day concerning the price of these new fandangled mobiles. I cant believe the shocking amounts some people spend on mobiles !! My brain just cant comprehend spending so much on a phone !!!

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