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Are You Always Waiting for Other People?

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Are you the first one up? Are you the first one ready? Do you spend time waiting for others? How does it make you feel? Or are you the one everyone is waiting for?

2 months ago
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I don't mind waiting for others as a rule. It's a part of life, especially as you grow older.It takes a little longer to organise your thoughts and things.If you're in a mad hurry then get up or leave home earlier.What I don't like is impatient people behind me in shops and queues who try to butt in from behind or who become rude and restless when I am in front of them.


I'm usually the one waiting on others. I have to make sure we've got everything we need to go out so always get ready before my husband and son. I'm constantly waiting on my mother in law, as is everyone else. She is notorious for being late. We tell her to be ready 30 minutes before she needs to be, that way she will be ready for when we need her to be. Told her she needed to be ready and at our door for 11.10am the other day, she didn't show up till 11.25 and we were almost late for our booking.


MrsCraig This sounds exactly like one of my daughters. Always late. She actually says she has left home and is on her way to friends when I’m standing next to her in her home.


Yes to all of those, I spent most of my time waiting for kids to get ready , school mornings are the worsed


Usually i am the one waiting for others and it can become a bit annoying depending on what’s on the agenda. I don’t mind waiting but sometimes i do go off on my own cause i get a bit fed up, but then people get angry at me for doing that.


jms19 That sounds a bit like me. I wait for so long then get a bit side tracked. It depends where I am while waiting.


I’m pretty laid back about friends being late. I’ll always assume a little excuse for them but my husband thinks it’s rude and bad manners.


A friend of mine was always late. She'd apologise but then was late again...and again (usually 30 mins). I just found it disrespectful and she didn't take well to me jokingly commenting on it! We are no longer friends 😏

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