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Anyone Feels Concert Music is Too Loud?


I went to a free concert today that I would've enjoyed but the music felt to be too loud and seems there are others alike out there (from a search) @ https://www.reddit.com/r/Music/comments/wlhyc/are_concerts_too_loud/

Feels as though making it as loud as possible removed the quality aspects of it which otherwise could be enjoyed. This is sorta like the mentality "bigger is better" and "quantity over quality".

over a year ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

one of the reasons why i dont go to concerts is the noise - youve got the noisy crowds and then the very loud music to drown out the noisy crowds. I like my normal hearing, so i dont like to spend too much time in such conditions


It feels lile that when you are first there then you get used to it. I like being at the front, but have experienced ringing in my ears for days afterwards

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