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Baby Deals | First Time Mam

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Hello, I’m just wondering if anyone has any good deals for baby things as well as toddler stuff. First time Mam and stressing to make sure I have everything😅🙈 thank you☺️

over a year ago
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Baby events are fab Google for dates aldi normally has one soon


Sign up for Bounty offers and checkout precious little one https://www.preciouslittleone.com/. Amazon often has great deals, sometimes a free baby box if you make a baby wish list and spend a certain amount of money, you get a few useful items for free.

Aldi nappies and wipes are brilliant especially if you can get them when they have a baby event on.

Mothercare have a big closing down sale on so lots of bargains there too.


I was chatting with a friend yesterday, she volunteers in local charity shop, and they get loads of practically new baby clothes. Some are unworn. There used to be a stigma people shopping in charity shops but not nowadays because it’s eco friendly.


Yes, I forgot about this too. Facebook marketplace is also brilliant for getting bargain baby and children things.


Sign up to bounty and Emma's diary, you get free baby stuff. I'm also a first time mummy and I went minimal with stuff for baby. I bought a good travel system, a cot bed, a bouncer, a play gym and a changing mat. For the toddler stage a playpen is brilliant, I've found it really useful. Look in your local charity shops, on fb marketplace, gumtree as you get brilliant bargains on baby clothes and toys. You will find that people will buy you loads of stuff. I've barely had to buy him any clothes as I've been given loads as presents and been given lots of hand me downs, so I would buy a few staples for their first week and then if you need to get more you can. I was given that advice from a friend and they were totally right. Look out for baby events throughout the year too get things cheaper. Don't buy lots of one type of nappy to start with as they might not agree with babies skin, so try different ones.

Honestly don't stress about it, as long as you have the basics you will be fine. The most important thing for baby is that they have somewhere to sleep, clothes to keep them warm, milk and plenty of love.

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