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Baby Weight Gain


I know weight gain is something that all parents worry about but it was something we were obsessed with!

Our son was always underweight due to his heart condition. It took him 3 months to gain a pound! Even when he was put on high calorie formula it was slow going, weaning helped a lot though.

It took him just under 9 months to gain just over 2kgs.

Well since his operation he has put on just over 2kgs in 2 months! This is such a big deal for us. He is still small for his age but he is slowly getting there.

He amazes me every day with the progress he has made since his surgery.

over a year ago
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MrsCraig 💗 so glad, hope he continues to thrive- enjoy him xx


That's great news and I bet when he is 18 he will be a well built six footer, that is often the way with smaller babies.

There will come a day when he will bend to give you a hug!


His dad is 6 foot 2! He is quite a long baby. I'm only 5 foot 2 so hopefully he will be somewhere in the middle!


Absolutely wonderful news and I agree parents become stressed and obsessed with weight gain. (I mentioned that we have a child with cf in our family so I understand your worries - we had great news today though with meds) Your little fighter is clearly making great progress.


Aw I'm so glad that you got good news. It's such a relief when that happens! He is going from strength to strength, apart from his wee fever.


Ahh we had a similar situation - my little preemie had major gastric surgery at three days old. We took her home after three weeks in the neonatal unit but she was on the 2nd centile at the time and every time we went back for follow up appointments the only real concern was weight gain. (She was gaining just not enough) We had to introduce formula in addition to breastfeeds and they were concerned she had some kind of growth retardation going on (big head, very long but teeny tiny body!) - She's six months this weekend, due to start solids soon and all is good - It's just amazing what they can get through, isn't it? 😍


Our wee one had surgery at one day old, it's such a scary experience, so I know what you were going through. That was the same with our son, he wasn't even reaching the centiles, he was gaining but not enough. We added in formula too, so breast milk during the day and formula at night, but he didn't have the energy for big feeds so he was constantly feeding. After 3 months when he had only gained a pound the dietitian finally stepped in (after his cardiologist chased after her) and he was put on a high calorie formula. It helped but he was still slow at gaining weight. I was made to keep a food diary of what he ate and how much and it actually made me more neurotic about it so eventually I stopped.

It just astounds me what babies can get through, they are wee fighters. I'm really glad everything is ok with your daughter and she is doing well. Enjoy weaning, it gets messy!

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