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Do You Believe in Little Presents for Stockings so Kids All Feel Loved by Santa

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I saw a fb post yesterday about how you should only put little things in Childrens stockings so when they compare what they got at school the children who's parents can't afford much don't feel santa likes them less...

i think this is a great idea.... what do you all think?

over a year ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

Everybody tell their children different things though. I saw a post on fb saying people should stop telling their children that santa bring them presents because its not fair when one child has a few small things and another has a load of expensive things. Also some people say one gift is from santa, some say all are, some say the stockings are and some say that they buy the presents and send them to santa to deliver.


As a child, my parents would make sure I always got a stocking and always believed in Santa up until the age 9 or 10. I would still get a stocking after that, since it made christmas extra special. Everything in a stocking would be either a toy or sweets.

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