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BMW Owner Watches Helplessly as Car is Swept into Thames

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BMW owner watches helplessly as car is swept into Thames

Oh come on... what idiot? Do you really take a BMW down there and not expect some trouble - if nothing else, salt water is a corrosive.


over a year ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

I think some people should take mandatory IQ tests before driving any sort of vehicles.


He says despite only taking out insurance the day before it isn't an insurance scam but nowadays BMW's rank very low for reliability and have shocking repair costs often making repair uneconomic because the repair costs are higher than the value of the car, I wonder if the car had any major repair issues. He is also a business owner and I'd be interested to know the state of his business and whether it has debts. Yes I'm very suspicious but many turn to insurance scams when they have debt problems. The fact he left high value items in the car as well that could be damaged to maximise the claim if the insurance covered contents within the car. His lifestyle seems to be extravagant and designed to impress and maybe its just me but I'm suspicious of such people.


Can guarantee he didn't indicate once on his route there

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