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Bus Fare Cap Extended until November 2024 but Cost Will Rise to £2.50

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The £2 single bus fare limit has been extended again . It was due to end at the end of June but has now been extended to £2 till Halloween 2023 and then rise to £2.50 till 30th November 2024 .

I for 1 have definitely seen a big increase in the amount of people using the bus and wondered if since the cap had started had you started using the bus or increased your usage .


a year ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

Yes I'm using it a little more but our bus service is still not working properly. They just don't turn up half the time, I think our local service needs a complete takeover from a company that's competent.


Midnightflower Totally agree with that. The bigger of the bus firms in my local town is both a bully to the smaller companies but also never going to be accused of being punctual .


stuartsmith544 it's ridiculous. Whilst I'm grateful for the reduced fair, essentially tax payers are subsidising poorly run bus companies. People are not going to get rid of their cars or even use them less when public transport is such a shambles.


Midnightflower but it's not like all the bus companies are making lots of money right now. many local fleets are loosing money, or are just about keeping going with small profits. Many smaller medium sized operators are closing down for good. Lack of drivers is a big issue - of course they can pay the drivers more - but where do you think the money for that comes from? - yep increased bus fares. Only at the moment they cant increase them as they get an agreed amount from the government which is somehow worked out to be just enough to keep things going. At least this time the government has come up with a longer term plan so companies can now plan ahead properly. Operators will be waiting for the full details of the schemes announced today and looking out for the small print! That said I certainly welcome the £2 fare as it saves me at least £1 a day on my trip to and from work.


Still think £5 in and out of town is worth it for me. A taxi is £13 one way so I’m pleased to say the least.


I tried to use the service to go to nearby towns etc for little shopping trips but the timings didn't really work out that well. I'm still hopeful to use the service more. I think Yeovil to Dorchester would be good as parking is expensive in Dorchester so that would be a good option for me. However for most destinations I would like to go to often the return times are when its either packed with schoolkids or later with people living work. Not much queue etiquette with school kids either.


We have used the £2 fare a few times now and have enjoyed a few nice days out in our local city centre, we certainly wouldn't have used the car due to the high parking charges so been nice to use the bus and will carry on at this price.


Love the cap bus fairs nice when I can take grand kids to different parks enjoy some quality time letting them run loose but I also think tram fairs should come down a little in line with bus fair


I don’t want to be ungrateful but compare this to what they did in germany last year when it cost 8 euros per month for all local trains and buses or what they’re doing in spain with the free local train travel and it’s hard not to feel a little disappointed


Is this in London. London is £1.75 a single bus fare when used x3 in one day it’s caps to one day bus pass £5.25

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