1. Chat

Changing Topic Titles


I try not to but I get a little irritated when the titles of topics keep being changed by the phantom title changer.

It is especially annoying when I bypass the new title or can't find one I wish to go back to. Even a chat search has no effect if you can't remember the original and/or new title. Often search results come up without even one word the same as your search.

Surely if people choose their title they have only themselves to blame if it doesn't capture others' imagination.

I am sure some time back it was said that LD would look into listing the topics we have started as they do the deals and comps we share. 2 x 20 point topics per day is less than the other things we can post. Are we any nearer to this happening?

There are a huge amount of repeat topics coming up but almost impossible to find the older one (even two days previous) with a subtle title difference.

A list of members' topics would be so helpful to find your own and those of members you like to chat with.

over a year ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

I didn't know you could change titles but I've had trouble finding topics


You just go into edit after clicking the 3 dots. Obviously you can't change someone else's title, it is a moderator who must be doing it.

The other day I changed mine back!


This would be great took me 10 minutes other day to find a topic I was chatting on to share a link with someone. I had to go though all my notifications to find it. For now even if you could only put a save chat like you can with deal. If I used chat for the points I would be putting 2 on a day but I don't use for that reason. Points not needed for this section of Web site


I agree Ann but points or not I think it would be great to find our own chats and others more easily, search rarely works.


Ann, my topic wasn't very clear. I was trying to say that if our 3 deals etc per day that we get points for are listed, why not the 2 topics. I have seen some folk start more than 2 but it just pushes topics back more quickly. If there were no points chat would be much better as most would do only 1 per day and get more involved in the fewer posted.


Lynibis I understand what your saying in our dashboard we could be able to see our topics like deals and others who wish to follow can save it


I'm beginning to think that each chat topic should be preceded by a key word.

Topic - What's your favourite snack? Key word 'FOOD'

Topic - Which country would you like to visit or re-visit? Key word 'TRAVEL'

There are so many chat topics I would like to go back to but can't remember the exact wording. Must be a nightmare if your own topic has been tweaked.


I agree so far angemski but there would be so many, pages, under same key word it would still take ages to find, especially when it is one of the many chocolate ones currently posted! How many times can you discuss your favourite chocolate or whether you like marmite lol.


Lynibis Ahhhh! I hadn't thought that far ahead. ๐Ÿ˜œ BUT..... I would then have a clear list that I could avoid. ๐Ÿ˜‰


Don't forget if you're struggling to find something you can also use the (very powerful) Google search engine to search for content on other websites, including the Latest Deals Chat section.

For example, to find your own posts in Chat, type this into the Google Search box:

site:www.latestdeals.co.uk/chat lynibis

Then click on 'Tools' and select the time period you want to search, such as past 24 hours, past week etc.

If you remember a unique word or phrase from a chat post, you can also use that as your search term, such as:

site:www.latestdeals.co.uk/chat Morgan Freeman

site:www.latestdeals.co.uk/chat Chocolate



Johnny I didn't even consider doing it this way - I've learned something. Thank you.


I must admit I forgot you told us about this before but Tbh would find it a pain coming out looking up etc. I just feel chat needs a good overhaul!


I remember you saying this but my Google history be full of latest deal all time ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ I would like something simple not very tech savy


Thank you for your Chat post. I'm sorry to hear you've had a bad experience on Latest Deals.

RE Changing Topic Titles - We do have a process whereby if a Chat title is not obvious to what the discussion is about, we may tweak it. For example, from "Houseplants" to "What Houseplants are you allergic to?". This aims to give greater clarity.

However, I can totally understand how this may be frustrating if you're then trying to search for your own Chat thread by the original title. We also do sometimes make mistakes. So I'm sorry about this.

RE Listing Chat Threads in Your Dashboard - Yes! This is on our long list of improvements and we hope to get it or something similar up and running. So that you can see all your Chat threads in one place. That sounds like a good idea and that it'd be very helpful.


Thanks for your response Tom. I must admit I worry when putting stuff like this out there but I know you are all generally open to our ideas and moans. Can't wait to see what you will come up with.


Lynibis if we don't moan we get nowhere it's a thing us women are good at doing ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Tom keep us updated on this please in a chat thread like you do


I thought i was going crazy the other day when my title changed ๐Ÿคฃ didnโ€™t see what was wrong with it in the first place ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ


My one was Senior Moments. I felt that everyone knew what they were, that I would mention mine and they could mention theirs. But someone added a few words as if to invite contributions, something like do you have any? It was totally unnecessary so I edited it back to original, knowing it would be hard to find the altered one!


Just wanted to check something in a previous topic of mine so did a search in chat for 'Gordon Ramsays Kitchen Nightmares' it came back with no results found. Thought I was going mad so checked back a couple of pages and there it was with just one more word added at end which I had forgotten. Strange that when I initially searched just Gordon Ramsay it came up with lots of others but not mine!

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