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Children's Nightmare

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My son had a nightmare about ghosts after his brother got sent away from school because some one in his bubble tested positive. Do I simply deal with ghosts or try to tackle the covid bubble thing they 4 and 6

over a year ago
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My daughter watched water ship down when she was 3 I know bad parenting, but in my defence I was cleaning the bathroom and she was in my room watching TV and the moment I knew I changed the channel. This then started her on nightmares and night terrors, we made "rabbit traps" that hung from her ceiling to keeps nasty rabbits away, it worked nightmares about rabbits stopped. Maybe you could make "ghost traps" that help ghosts go where they have to


I've never seen water ship down but my son once found a peppa pig on YouTube that scared him. He said he knows there's no such thing as ghosts. But will use that technique on other things it's a great idea. He now has tonsillitis so that could have been part of the problem

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