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Competition Points Etc

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Has anyone had this happen to them? I put a competition on yesterday , but today it was taken off as a duplicate, which means I've lost points, as its a different day I would of thought that you would be allowed to put 4 on today to replace the 1 I lost.

6 months ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

Hey MartinJarvis 🙂

Sorry about this - unfortunately it is currently a limitation of the system as opposed to a stance we've taken one way or another. The points system has grown alongside Latest Deals and so doesn't necessarily work exactly like we'd hope it would if we were designing it from scratch for the community today!


Kelsey OK thanks for your reply , I was disappointed to lose my points but as it went into a different day I was then unable to post another comp.


MartinJarvis Sadly it's happened to many of us numerous times over the years, it is unfair, but that's how it is! x


Yeah I’ve had this happen to me before as well but i just figured it’s not the end of the world. Plus once or twice I’ve been awarded additional points which i can only assume is a system error so it’s swings and roundabouts

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