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Competitions Page

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I know on the competitions page you can choose an entry type (e.g website or gleam) but is there a way to have it so some don't show for example Facebook and twitter? I don't use them so they sort of just get in the way for me but happy to use the rest

over a year ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

Go onto the competitions page, click the arrow looking button next to where it says newest, then pick entry type and you can choose which type of entry you want.


Hey thank you for your question. Unfortunately, no, you're not able to exclude an entry method in quite the way you'd like ("see all competitions except Facebook and Twitter").

As MrsCraig has pointed out, you can filter by an entry method one at a time as you've experienced with Website & Gleam.


I've seen the filter but as I only want to exclude 2 it would be a little long winded for me. I'll stick as I am I think. Thanks for your quick reply

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