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Couple Forced to Tear down Bungalow Roof Extension because It's Five" Too High

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Couple forced to tear down bungalow roof extension because it's five inches too high

The owners of a bungalow have been forced to tear down the roof of a new extension after councillors decided it was five inches too high and would have to be rebuilt.



over a year ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

We all have to abide by planning applications that’s life.


To a certain point I agree with you, however, when backhanders are involved and people who are 'upper class' who apply for retrospective planning permission for huge extensions and get it (without a hitch) then I feel a bit of jobsworth coming on. It's six of one and half a dozen of the other.

Rules are great as long as they apply to everybody equally. 🐞


Can't say I'm surprised about this at all. Personally I think they should have the right to alter their home as they like as long as it doesn't effect others or access and is safe and reasonably presentable but those aren't the rules.

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