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Crikey Patsy, Has Lockdown Been That Bad?


Anyone see Patsy Palmer do a virtual Piers on GMB this morning?

I could see the moment she popped up on screen that something was wrong......no smile or greeting and within a minute or two she switched off as she was upset by the footer showing on screen.

It pertained to something she had often talked about and included in a book she had written. Not sure why else she thought she was on the show as there is nothing else in her life (to my knowledge) currently that is worth an interview.

It seems M&H are in no better mood either, ticked off because the Royals want to talk privately.......so would I about family matters, why must they insist on all this public airing of dirty laundry. If they weren't nearly 40 I would say they are acting like a pair of recalcitrant teens.

over a year ago
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I haven't heard the word recalcitrant in ages! I used to use it on my pupils, they were always confused by it and were trying to figure out what it meant!

I didn't see GMB this morning, my sons cartoons are the priority for morning TV viewing.

It is the royals business what goes on behind closed doors and up to them how they deal with family matters.


I just don't understand why they keep insisting on the whole world being privvy to family problems. Especially considering M sued a newspaper over her letters to dad. Very hypocritical as she only wants things made public that will garner sympathy for them. I daresay that if the Royals were as loose tongued there would be plenty they could say too, no argument is one sided and I don't believe for one minute that a whole family would deliberately cause misery to two of it's members for absolutely no reason.


Lynibis I understand us needed to know certain things, like the duties they carry out but we certainly don't need to know every single piece of information about their family issues!


I don't usually see GMB as I'm at work but I have seen the video this morning and my first reaction was why was she even interviewed in the first place! It just seemed like a waste of time, I would rather they discussed more about the Currie interview comparing Boris and Diana and shaking of hands.

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