Deep Space Signals Detected
The signal is said to be coming from about 1.5 billion light years away so in effect this is extremely ancient news.

Sounds interesting..
Fun part is in the end that is is from and Alien spaceship... Coming from so far away... But who knows what kind of tech they have and what is the message about. They say there is 2 repetead one, so can be a kind of code system or language..

It's a shame since due to distance, by the time we figure out what that signal is, it's most likely already gone!

deepcore is it a way to send message? They should try... Because if they have better tech than maybe they have a way to receive it faster too. If they have this detail, they know exactly where it is coming from...

AgnesFaludi I reckon there are already other life forms, we just can't see them with our own human eyes. The problem is how do we know what signal to transmit which will be understandable by the recipient?

Lydskyd I reckon someday we'll be able to travel through space like it was a walk in the park. After all, people travelled by ships to cross the ocean, now we travel across the world in just hours. Perhaps mankind will figure out new propulsion technologies. Maybe in 100 years we'll be spending summer on Mars having a BBQ!

I think its all nonsense. I dont believe anyone has walked on the moon or even been there. The moon landing was filmed in Hollywood and has been fooling people ever since.

nipperjwb The Chinese are there at the mo!
Maybe they will take some photos of Neil Armstrongs jobbies or his golf ball then you will have to eat your words and apologise to son!
Pardon my sick Czech/Scottish sarcasm its not my fault i was a nice lady until i moved to Scotland and learned words like jobby and f@nny etc etc etc!
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