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Doctors Costs


We were talking about living wherever you could. Someone said they would live in jersey channel islands. As well as rentals costing thousands (including council houses), we pay for Dr's and not prescriptions. Someone posted on a local Facebook group saying their teenager went to the Dr's and it cost them £64. If you are referred for an xray it'll cost you £25. Someone else commented saying they should go monthly but can't justify the cost of it. If you are a pensioner you still pay the full amount. The amount is the same as your weekly pension. So yeah we live in a beautiful place but unless you're rich it's really hard to live here

a year ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

I had to buy an inhaler privately for nearly £70 it would have lasted me less than a month, luckily they can put it on prescription for me, but imagine if I couldn't and I had to pay that every time?

I'm really disappointed in my doctors, I'm glad I hadn't had to pay as I'd be fuming, although I have had to pay for endless antibiotics of which the specialist has now told me were probably not needed and that he knew instantly what had been wrong with me for around 2 years. He said it was typical symptoms and sent me for the tests just to confirm it as he couldn't understand why they hadn't diagnosed me before. We had to go privately for this, as I couldn't live a life at all and I wouldn't have been able to afford the hundreds/thousands of pounds worth if I wasn't covered, for that I am very grateful.

I just kept getting sent home with either antibiotics, endless blood tests or judgement and told it was likely anxiety. When I do have something medically wrong. I feel like I wasted so many appointments, time and even trips to the hospital because I was told to go there. I suffered at home when I could.

There are downsides to most places, we live in a high property price area too although I am in Mainland UK.

I do think the whole system needs a massive rethink but I don't feel it will change dramatically or for the better in my lifetime, sadly. I try to be positive in life but also realistic. Sadly I don't have the answers as there are pros and cons for so many different things, so much to consider and can't leave anyone out, but also can't let people take advantage. Those that really need it also don't need the added stress of testing, interviews etc. It's a difficult one.

I might go and pitch a tent near a cave somewhere.


That's awful


I’m the lady who commented about living in Jersey. Yes I know about the health charges which wouldn’t put me off nor your tax advantages.


We have to pay tax on all goods including food, children's clothes and anything exempt in the UK. Nothings exempt here.


The pluses are it's beautiful. We've the best beaches and cliff path walks


Jerseydrew I thought there was no VAT in the Chanel Islands. When did they bring that to the islands?


It's not vat it's gst. Some UK companies sting us with gst and vat and refuse to take it off even though they are meant to


Jerseydrew I thought gst was only applied spending over a certain amount.


It's one of those. confusing unless you live here.


Nope it's on everything. Gst is on a certain amount if you buy off the Internet but the government is making it lower to make people shop in town but it won't work as parking is awful and the high street is like the UK high streets and dying. Some online places charge us vat when you argue it they make the postage double vat and then if it's over the gst amount you get stung on it again


There are upsides and downsides to living anywhere, they just vary depending on the area.

For example I love where we live, but we don't have a maternity unit at the local hospital, so you have to travel 2 hours in one direction or an hour and a half in the other to the nearest unit. Doesn't affect me as I'm one and done but it's a big problem here. That one downside doesn't change all the amazing upsides for me, I knew that when I moved here.

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