1. Chat

Dogs or cats....... Only Joking !!!


I just thought I’d mention how the chat section seems to have improved lately. All the dog verses cats type topics (which I think I am guilty of starting sorry 🤭) seem to be thinning out and more people seem to be actually chatting which is lovely 😁

over a year ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

I agree. Not all topics will catch my attention but I dip in and out of things that I enjoy or can get involved in. I know you feel the same. Still happy to get involved in genuine comparisons for advice though.


Me too. I love a good natter.


I agree. The Chat Section is so much better and enjoyable when:

1. The topics are genuine

2. The original posters actually really do want to know the answers to their question (rather than just posting any old rubbish, with the goal of simply earning points by doing so)

3. The original posters ensure they comment on the responses given to their post

4. The original posters thank those members of the Latest Deals Community who made the effort to respond.

5. You don't feel people are happily wasting your time with their questions, whilst making zero effort themselves.


I am glad that many of us agree on how annoying those inane this vs that topics can be, as well as the repeated topics. The chat section is a lot more exciting now.

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