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Who Done Elf on Shelf This Year


I didnt do this year simply because my 3 year old don't understand it properly I put out advent calendar and she ate the whole thing 😂 maybe wait another year

over a year ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

We're doing it for the first time this year. My nearly 3-year-old is absolutely loving it, he's so excited to see what the elf has been up to at night and does everything he's told when we remind him that the elf only comes to visit good boys. It helps that he brings him a sticker every morning.


I dont see the point. To me it seems to promote bad behaviour. Especially for kids who cam/may copy the actions


Mine doesn't do bad things, just sits in a different place or sometimes does everyday things such as cleaning the windows, this is all marvellous to my toddler. The original point was for it to move around the house at night and keep an eye on things to report to santa. The getting up to mischief is something that people added on.


Not yet I will start it soon though I haven’t got my tree up due to birthdays so when I put my tree up the elf comes out

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